Part 6. Quarrel.

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Veronika and Maru slowly moved along the path, of course it was too small for Maru, but it seemed to Veronika dear.

The girl walked quickly, trying to keep up with Maru and looking around.

-Aren't you needed at the base?

- I don’t think that the guys will finish soon, after all, putting out fires is not an easy task.

The girl just kept silent.

So they walked for about half an hour.
Until Veronika noticed how one of the gliders that were replacing birds landed on a tree.

- Hold my backpack, please.

The teenager tossed the backpack to Maru.

The mechanic did not have time to answer, as the girl began to climb a tree.

At the top, what she hoped to see there was waiting for her - a nest.

Having driven the glider from its place, the girl saw several eggs in the nest and immediately took them and put them in the pocket of her black and white hoodie.

Carefully climbing down from the tree, she approached Maru, who handed her a backpack.

- Thank you, - Veronika opened her backpack and put three eggs in it, - let's hope that the eggs in your world are the same as in ours.

- Eggs?  Do people like you eat eggs? - Maru looked questioningly at the girl.

- well, at least the eggs that we have in our world, I eat, I hope they are the same here.

- Clear.

Maru and Veronika continued to walk through the forest and soon came to a waterfall.

-Wow, what a beauty -  the girl looked at the waterfall with delight.

— yeah

Then something in the water caught the girl's attention.

- Fish?

Veronika stepped closer.

The fish, it was the same as in Veronika's world.

— What is there? - Maru rode up to the teenager.

- Fish, just like ours.

- May I ask?  What don't you eat?-  Maru looked at Veronika.

- Essentially humans are omnivores, but we can avoid eating things that are unfit for food or poisonous to us.

- It's clear.

- Okay, let's go back to base.

The girl took out a bottle and filled it with water.

- Let's go.

- And the fish?

- I think that I will first need to make a fishing rod

Maru just looked at her questioningly.

Soon the guys returned to the base, on the way Veronika found a good stick, from which she planned to make a fishing rod.

Looking around, the teenager saw no one but the Cabby.

- Where are the others? - The girl began to look around in confusion.

- Probably haven’t returned yet - Maru drove towards the workshop.

- What about Cabby?

- He only drops jumpers off and then comes back.

- I see, - Veronika thought a little.  - Do you have fishing line and anything with which to make a hole in the stick?

- Let's find it now.

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