Chapter 3 - More Than You Thought

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Small announcement, i'm going to be putting my other book on a small hiatus for now so I can recuperate with myself and rewatch DxD so i'll be writing this book since i'm more familiar with it.

(refer to "ANNOUNCEMENT - Hiatus (for a little)" for further information)

Alright, alright, i've kept you long enough. Enjoy the chapter, everyone!

- In The Beacon Academy Locker Room -

"Aughh...." (Y/N) breathes and stretches as he walks into the locker room. The room sings with the sounds of metal clanking and cloth shuffling. He joins in with this song, pulling out a new outfit from his locker to replace his tattered wasteland gear. A question ridden look develops on his face.

"Hey, Remnant? I just noticed something."

'What is it, young boy?'

"..Why the hell did it take me so long for me to get new threads?.."


"...Eeexactly." He says, taking a closer look at his new gear, which consisted of a pair of black combat boots, baggy grey cargo pants, a black combat fleece jacket with purple accents to match his aura.

'These kicked my Lien in the nuts but I think it was a worthy investment. Let's see how they look.'

Putting on his equipment, he looks to a mirror for guidance and a final check.

The mirror reflects his new outfit, all adjusted and fitted to (Y/N)'s liking. His black hair was finally cut more cleanly after almost 10 years of minimal cutting and maintenance on it. His glowing purple eyes shine in the gentle sunlight. (Y/N)'s small charge of self-appeal gets to him as some of his aura gathers above his head to form a glowing purple crown.

'Let us not get too cocky here, (Y/N).'

The aura crown poofs as (Y/N) chuckles at his own hijinks. "Tch.. Yeah, I didn't think so either." He facepalms, slapping his locker shut.

-An hour later!-
-Atop Beacon Cliff!-

As everyone finishes lining up on their respective pedestal, Ozpin clears his throat and points his piercing gaze toward them.

"..For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." He says, still grasping his coffee mug while holding a stiff stance. Glynda activates her tablet. "Now, i'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put and end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates. Today."

Ruby lets out a whine and whimper following Glynda's last note. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon so it is in your best interest to be paired up with whom who you can work best with. That being said, the first person to make eye contact with you after landing is the person who will be your partner for the rest of your time here at Beacon."

"WHAT?!?" Ruby's jaw visibly drops. (Y/N) ,who was placed between Jaune and Ruby, puts a hand on Ruby's head. Noticing her head being pat, she looks to her left to see (Y/N) with a funny smile and a thumbs up making her only smile instead of whine. "After you've partnered up, make your way toward the nothern end of the forest. You will face many obstacles as you traverse further in. Do not hesitate to annihilate everything in your way, or you will die." Ozpin says, leaving (Y/N) gritting his teeth at that last part.

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