Chapter 1 - New Oppurtunities (Part 2)

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"" - Monlogues
(Y/N) - Your Name

Ruby: "Stupid how?"

I facepalm, trying as hard as I can to mask my embarassment.

(Y/N): "Oh, n-n-nothing! Just a small misunderstanding! Nothing to be worried about! Anyways, where's this shop you were talking about?"

Thank you Oum.

Ruby: "It's actually back where you came from."

She points to the shop behind me.

Do not fret, boy. Your imagination has just gotten the better of you is all.

Yeah, thanks...

Ruby: "Oh yeah, why do you ask?"

(Y/N): "Just wanted to see what Dust actually looks like."

Ruby: "Whaaa?!"

I look at her confused.

(Y/N): "What's wrong?"

Ruby: "You've NEVER seen Dust before?"

I nod a few times.

Ruby: "B-b-b-but Dust is like the coolest thing ever!"

(Y/N): "I-"

She puts a hand on front of my face to cut me off while pumping her fist in the air.

Ruby: "Theres only one way to fix this! To the Dust shop!"

She grabs my hand and uses her semblance to speed toward the shop at the end of the street.


(Timeskip to Ruby blowing (Y/N)'s ears out with Dust and weapon talk)

(Y/N): "So this weapon of yours...It's a scythe and a sniper rifle?"

Ruby: "Yup! It's my pride and joy!"

(Y/N): "And not only can you switch between the two and its compact form, but you even designed all of this from scratch?"

Ruby: "Mhmm~. See! Now you're understanding stuff! Aren't weapons so great?"

(Y/N): "Sure, they sound pretty cool. More impressed about the fact that you built this thing though. You're amazing!"

She immediately looks down at the floor hiding her red face in her hair, seemingly happy about it.

Ruby: "A-a-anyways! Where's your weapon?"

I don't think she'll like the news i'm about to break to her...

(Y/N): "You see..."

Ruby: "Uhuh!"

(Y/N): "The thing is..."

Ruby: "Uhuuh!"

She looks at me excitedly, waiting for me to reveal my nonexistent weapon.

(Y/N): "I kindaaa... don't have a weapon...Ehehehe.."


Ruby: "Oh. Wait. But how do you, you know?"

She imitates a person in combat while making cartoonish noises. I smile at her, letting out a supressed laugh.

(Y/N): "Well, I actually have this thing-"

Just before I get to show her my Seal, a bunch of way-too-obvious bad guys in tuxedos barge in, threatening the manager at the register.

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