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Year 1955

"Mom, mom, look what I found" she shouted at her mom as she ran to her.

"Oh, it's beautiful. It is for me? Peggy Carter asked with a smile, looking at the small white flower in her daughter's hands.

The little girl nodded enthusiastically and gave the flower to her mother.

"Come on, sweetheart. We're going home" Peggy said with a smile and held out her hand to her daughter.

"Just a moment", pleaded the little girl.

"Okay. But only five minutes," said Peggy, and immediately after her words, the little girl started running around the park again.

The little girl bent down to the flowers and began to collect flowers from which she wanted to make a bouquet for her mother, when she saw them approaching her.

"Run" she heard her mother shout and she started to run, but soon after someone caught her and she felt a faint sting and then her eyes went dark.

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