Nick Fury

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A little girl sat on a chair and looked around the room with frightened eyes.

The chair she was sitting on was hard and made of plastic. There was no furniture in the room and only one door.

She wanted to run away, but she knew she wouldn't succeed.

The door opened and a man entered the room. He was dressed in black clothes, was bald and had an eye patch.

"Hello Miss Carter" the man said sternly and sat down in the chair opposite hers.

"Do you know where you are?" he asked her.

"In the Hydra base, I suppose, sir," the little girl replied, hoping he didn't hear the hint of fear in her voice.

,, Wrong. You're at Shield HQ," he told her.

"No, that's not true. I've been to the Shield base with my mom dozens of times" the little girl jumped up with her voice at Nick Fury.

"Can you tell me what year is now?" he asked her.

"Of course, it's 1955," the little girl answered, disappointed.

"It's 2013 Miss Carter. You were frozen for for 58 years" he said to the little girl who just shook her head in shock.

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