Chapter 2: The Storm Dragon Veldora

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After a next day comes Azazel and Darren both open their eyes. With Azazel still looking kind of tired.

Darren: Who would have thought a floor could actually be kind of comfortable?

Azazel: Maybe because we got our asses kicked and barely lived.

Darren: Hey on the bright side at least we can't feel pain.

Azazel: Doesn't stop us from feeling like shit.

Darren: You know what that's fair.

Grayfia: Good Morning Master.

Azazel: Morning Grayfia. Did anything happen while we slept?

Darren: Actually that's something I was going to ask you also Ciel.

Grayfia: We'll then if you want an answer.

Ciel/Grayfia: Look to your left.

They look to their left and see a blue slime. While Azazel looks at it confused and Darren has a odd temptation to touch it so it moves forward but Azazel stops him.

Azazel: Dude don't I know when you act like this your about to touch something.

Darren: But dude the slime looks so... cuddly..

Azazel: No we're not touching the slime. Yet anyway.

Darren looks disappointed but sighs in acceptance.

Darren: Fine.... no touching the slime yet.

Azazel: Don't worry bro i'll find some kikufuku for you when I get the chance.

Darren's eye light up daydreaming about it.

Darren: These are acceptable terms.

Slime: Um... am I interrupting something?

The two look at the slime surprised.

Azazel: Wait you can talk?!

Slime: Yeah.. is it really that weird?

Darren: I mean... it's not everyday you see a talking slime.

Slime: I guess that's true.

Azazel: How are you even talking without a mouth? Where did you even come from?! How can a slime be intelligent in general?! I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!

Darren hits Azazel over the head.

Darren: Calm down dumbass!

Azazel: You mother fucker!

Azazel and Darren start fighting with a dust cloud covering them while the slime just thinks.

Slime: ( What am I getting myself into?)


Azazel and Darren are both shown again with bruises on their faces as the slime looks somehow deadpanned.

Slime: Are you two done yet?

Azazel: Yep just a causal fight between bros.

Darren: You get used to it after a while.

Ciel: Master is a idiot....

Darren: I heard that...

Ciel: Whatever do you mean master?

Darren: Bruh...

Grayfia: Your a idiot too master...

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