Chapter 5: Helping The Goblin Village

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When the group look over a group of goblins begin approaching them.

Morgan: Tch.... I'll handle this.

Morgan then begins casting a explosive spell. Making the goblins stop and look at her in fear. But then Azazel stops her.

Azazel: Wait! They don't have no ill intent chill Morgan!

Morgan: Why shouldn't I erase those pest from the face of the earth? Their only monstrosity's after all.

Azazel: Come on Morgan just don't kill them please?

Morgan: *Scoffs* Fine.

Morgan then desummons her magic and had a very cold expression as she looks at the Goblins. While Darren whispers to Azazel.

Darren: She was really about to blow that village up wasn't she?

Azazel: To be fair we probably accidentally would've blown them up in our fight earlier, if she didn't stop us that is.

Darren: Not my fault that your annoying. Maybe I should tell everyone how you watched high school dxd five times in a week.

Azazel: Do that and i'm telling everyone you watched boku no pico.

Darren: I didn't even like it!

Azazel: You still watched it though.

Darren: Fuck you!

Azazel sticks his tongue out at him and then looks at the goblins who look fearful after Morgan's display.

Azazel: (They look scrawny, and their weapons are pretty beat up. How the hell do they survive out here?)

Goblin 1: Strong ones, do you have any business here?

Azazel: (Strong ones, well it feels nice to be referred to as strong instead of weak for once.)

The Rimuru jumps off Azazel's head and lands on the ground next to him.

Rimuru: I'll deal with this.

She suddenly breathed in a lot of air before speaking in a extremely loud voice that almost blew All of our ears off.


Azazel: (God she's so fucking loud!)

Darren: (My ears feel like their about to burst open!)

Morgan: (Why is that vermin speaking so loudly!)

Scathach: (This really is rather unpleasant.. but honestly i'm impressed.)

Kurumi: (Ara? Who would've thought Rimuru-san could talk this loudly~)

WQ: (I'm just enjoying the pained expression on everyones faces~)

The goblins then bow down in front of us.

Goblin 1: We are well aware of how strong you all are, ma'am! Please quiet your voice down!

Rimuru: Oh... my bad.

Goblin 1: Are the people behind you your servants.

Azazel: Nope i'm Azazel the blonde kid that looks like a emo robot over there is my bestfriend Darren.

Darren: I'm not a emo....

Azazel: The two behind me are my aides Morgan and Scathach. While the Two behind Darren are his aides Kurumi and White Queen.

Azazel then picks Rimuru up and places her back on top of his head.

Azazel: While this Adorable slime right here is Rimuru.

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