Chapter 1

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"Harry! Hurry up! We're going to get your things for Hogwarts!" A beautiful red headed woman called to her son.

"Coming, mum!" The little 11 year old boy put on his kicks and ran to the kitchen where his mother and father were waiting for him.

"Ready to go?" A tall handsome man asked his wonderful son and wife.

"Yeah! Let's go!" The boy squealed excitedly.

As the three of them walked into Diagon ally, Harry could not stop talking. He'd be starting school in a few weeks.

"Do you think I'll make any friends, mum? What's it like at Hogwarts? Where are we going first?"

"Calm down sweetheart, I'm sure you'll make a lot of friends. Hogwarts may be one of the best experiences you'll ever have. Now, let's go to Madam Malkins first, we need to get your robe size." The woman named Lily answered gently.

Harry was practically jumping up and down as the entered the shop. Harry saw another boy that looked around his age already there. The boy was significantly taller than Harry, with platinum blonde hair and bright, moonstone eyes.

"Alright, Draco, you're good to go." The woman beside him said.

Draco hopped down and immediately noticed Harry, and went up to him.

"Hello," The boy smiled.

"Hi," Harry greeted shyly.

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy. What's your name?"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter."

"No way! Really? Prove it! Show me the scar!"

Harry lifted up the hair covering his lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.

Draco looked at it, astounded.

"Awesome!" He laughed.

"Cool, right?"

"Totally! Hey, are you going to Hogwarts too?"

"Of course!"

"What house do you think you'll be in? I think I'll be in Slytherin."

"I'm leaning toward more Gryffindor, but Slytherin would be cool too."

"Draco? Ah, there you are. It's time to get your wand." A woman who Harry assumed was Draco's mother came toward them.

"Coming mum! Sit with me on the train?" He turned to Harry at the question.

Harry simply nodded.

"Harry, come sit over here please." Harry went toward the voice of his father and sat on the stool he was pointing at.


"Here, try this one." A man by the name of Ollivander handed Harry another wand.

Harry waved it, and non destructive magic came flying out, symbolizing it's perfect match at Harry's hands.

"That's strange.." The old man murmured.

"What's strange?" Harry's mind was full of curiosity in that moment.

"It's brother was the wand given to the Dark Lord. Both with unique holly wood and Phoenix core, from the same Phoenix."

Harry was even more curious now. He knew the true story of how he got his scar, but to somehow be connected? Odd.


"So many choices! This is so hard!" Harry looked around the shop full of animals.

"You can only choose one, Harry. We still need to buy your books." Lily smiled at the excited boy.

Harry soon came across an owl. She had beautiful snow feathers, with bright beady eyes and had Harry's full attention.

"Can I get this one, mum?"

"If that's the one you really want."

"Yes, she is!"

"Alright. James, can you pay for the owl and a cage while I find the food?"

"Sure thing."

"I'm gonna name you Hedwig!" Harry looked at the owl excitedly, and the owl seemed to thank him with a small hoot.


"Alright, we got all your books from the list. We also have the cauldron, owl, wand, and we got your robes sized.. Oh! Broom. Let's get you a broom." Lily looked through the list quickly, and then took Harry and his father to get a broom.

"Ooh! I like this one! Nimbus 2000.. It's the newest model! Can I get it?" Harry looked at his parents hopefully.

Lily and James looked at each other, then both nodded in the others approval. They smiled and nodded at Harry, who jumped for joy.


This is it. He was on Platform 9 3/4 and about board The Hogwarts Express. There were parents crying everywhere, (including Lily) as their children were headed off for their first or next years at Hogwarts. Harry bid his parents goodbye and soon found the boy he was looking for- Draco. He ran over to him, both of them smiling. They were immediately talking as they borded the train and found a compartment. They continued talking as the train started and moved and they were soon joined by two others- Who introduced themselves as Ron and Hermione, who were astonished to find out that they were meeting the one and only Chosen One.

The four of them talked the whole time, Draco and Harry sitting close to each other and Ron and Hermione sitting across from them.

They soon made it to Hogwarts, excitement washing over them. A Half-Giant man that Harry recognized by the name of Hagrid, was helping kids get into their boats. They were guided to the Great Hall, looking around in amazement. Then kids started getting sorted. Ron and Hermione got Gryffindor, and Draco was right about getting Slytherin. Harry was okay with either one.

"Harry Potter!"

The whole Hall fell into silence when they heard the name. The silence was soon filled with whispers. Harry sat down, and the Hat had to think for a moment. It had a hard decision, but eventually made it.


All the Slytherins clapped and cheered, Draco being the loudest. He got a lot of pats on the back as he went and sat by Draco.

"This is gonna be the best 7 years at Hogwarts ever!" Draco whisper-yelled to Harry.

"It certainly will."


After stuffing themselves till they were full of the feast, everybody were heading to their common rooms. The first year Slytherins looked around in awe. It seemed kind of gloomy, but it already felt like home. A few 5th years came up to Harry, telling him he would not regret joining Slytherin.

"I sure hope so." Was his reply.

Soon enough, it was time for bed. The girls dorms were on one side, the boys on the other. Their trunks were in the middle of the room, so they could put them next to the beds they wanted. Harry and Draco chose beds next to each other, obviously. Most friends did. They all wished each other a good night and headed off to sleep.

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