Chapter 3

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It's Christmas Eve, the seperated, inseparable pair would soon meet. Harry took a moment to realize how lonely he felt all of a sudden, even with his loving parents right there. He's only been away from Draco for 3 days, he can barely handle another one.

But he had survived this long. He knows the day ahead of him will be great, somehow even with Draco absent.

He gets up and pulls on his shirt and trousers, then heads down to the kitchen where his mother is cooking breakfast.

"Morning mum."

"Morning sweetheart. Breakfast will be ready soon. Can you set the table please?"

"On it."

He grabbed three plates from the cupboard, as well as three cups, he was about to grab the utensils when his mother paused him.

"Can you set out 3 more plates, dear? I invited the Malfoy's for breakfast, because they invited us for Christmas dinner tomorrow."

Harry's face lit up. He grabbed the utensils first, then quickly grabbed more plates, and cups. He set them around the table, and practically ran around the place out of excitement, almost running into his dad.

"Woah! Careful, sport! What's got you all rowdy this morning?"

"I invited the Malfoys over for breakfast knowing how much Harry was missing Draco." Lily set the food on the table as she explained.

"Hasn't it only been 3 days since he's last seen him?"

"Yes, but Harry's never really made a friend before Draco. Him and Draco are really clingy to each other, I can tell."

The door bell suddenly rang as if on cue.

"I'LL GET IT!" Harry called to his parents. He quickly ran to the door to open it, and gave Draco a big hug immediately.

"Hey Dragon!"

"Hi Hazza!"

He welcomed the three of them in, and sat down at the table to eat.

"It smells wonderful, Lily!" Narcissa looked at all the food that had been prepared.

"Thank you. Now, don't just look, dish up!" She smiled as everyone started reaching for things, basically whatever was available, and after serving themselves the would pass it around. They all ate happily, and once they were finished the boys excused themselves while the parents talked.

"Come on, I'll show you to my room!" Harry grabbed Draco's hand and led him upstairs.


"Those two are just perfect for each other, aren't they?" Lily sighed.

"It's like they've known each other since birth." James smirked.

"Oh hush! They have!" Lily nudged her husband.

"But they don't know that, do they?"

"I suppose not."


"Woah! Your room is awesome!" Draco looked around Harry's room in awe.

"I know, right? Do you wanna play with Hedwig?"


The boys had fun with Hedwig's tricks and combing her feathers. Hedwig enjoyed the attention she received. They also looked around the room and found some of Harry's old toys, and decided to play with them as if they were 5.

Soon, Lily and James came in to tell Draco it was time to go, when they found the two playing with the same toys they used to, without knowing they had done it before.

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