Chapter 4:Horikitas

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Suzune woke up, she sat up and looked around.

Where am I?, she thought to herself.

"Finally you're awake."

Suzune gasped as she saw her older brother, Horikita Manabu.

"Don't get in your feelings, I only came here for questions."Manabu said as he crossed his arms professionally.

Suzune frowned before looking away."Where am I?"

"You're in the infirmary."Manabu answered as he fixed his glasses.

"Someone sent me a pictures of you battered and bruised with your clothes torn, do you know who it was?"Manabu asked.

Horikita squeezed the blankets covering her, her memory was blurry but she could remember receiving a message from...

Her eyes widened.


Him punching her, her head being knocked from side to side as she felt dizzy, her trying to fight back only to be knocked back down.

Her clothes being torn apart.

"Suzune."Manabu called.

"I don't know who it was."Suzune gasped out.

"Mmm."Manabu hummed.

"This won't do, I will schedule a meeting on Monday, get ready Suzune."Manabu said before walking out of the room.

Suzune pulled her knees to herself, she didn't understand.

Why would Ayanokoji do something like this?

Why would he?

Feeling the emotional stress, Suzune broke into tears.

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