Chapter 6:Unlucky Encounter

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Ibuki stared at the women section of the store, staring at the cartons of pad on the shelf.

Looking for which was okay and comfortable.

She wasn't on her period now but it seemed her period would be arriving soon.

She sighed.

"Damn, why did you it have to be this time."She muttered under our breath.

"Oh I see! Are you on your period?"

A voice said behind her.

She turned around.

"Ayanokoji!"She exclaimed.

"Hello!"Ayanokoji greeted.

Ibuki was wary, why was Ayanokoji suddenly showing emotion and being nicer.

"What are you planning bastard!"Ibuki yelled as she got in a fight stance.

"Aren't you going to pick a pad?"Ayanokoji asked with a raised brow.

Ibuki blushed intensively before grabbing a pad and shoving it in her shopping bag.

"Have a nice day Ayanokoji."She said as she brushed pass him.


Ayanokoji grabbed Ibuki's shoulder.

She slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me!"

She stomped away.

Ibuki arrived at the counter and placed her bag on it.

She removed her phone.

"No need, I would pay up."Ayanokoji said with a smile.

Ibuki became more wary, but if she didn't let him pay, he would not leave her the hell alone.

"Fine, pay."Ibuki said as she returned her phone to her skirt pocket.

"That's the spirit!"Ayanokoji exclaimed.

Ibuki walked towards a near by cafe after that experience, she was feeling embarrassed.

She sat down before ordering a cup of coffee.

Ibuki sighed in relief as she sipped on her coffee.

"Hello Ibuki!"Ayanokoji greeted as he took a sit.

Ibuki almost spat out her coffee."What are you doing here!"

"I thought we could chat!"Ayanokoji said.

A waitress came up to them."What would you like."

"The same thing she's having."Ayanokoji said.

"Okay."The waitress said before walking away.

"What do you want Ayanokoji!?"Ibuki suddenly blurted out.

"What do I want?"Ayanokoji asked.

"You paid for my things acting all nice and giving me smiles, what do you want, is it information because I'm not giving you!"Ibuki said as she sipped her coffee.

Unknown to her Ayanokoji had slipped something into her coffee.

"You're not?"Ayanokoji asked.

Ibuki gasped as she suddenly had a headache and it felt light headed.

"Are you okay Ibuki?"Ayanokoji asked as he walked over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"You don't seem well, do you want me to take you to the infirmary?"Ayanokoji asked as he brought his face closer to hers.

"I can go by my self!"Ibuki said before getting up.

But as she was about to take a step, she stumbled, Ayanokoji caught her before she fell.

"Let me go..."Ibuki said weakly before becoming unconscious.

Ayanokoji smirked evilly as pulled the unconscious Ibuki away.

The waitress soon came.

"Here is your coffee-"

She stopped mid-sentence, her face becoming one of confusion as she noticed the empty cafe.

"What happened here?"She asked to no one but herself.

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