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In a world where men were deemed useless, women had taken over all aspects of society. They were the leaders, the providers, and the protectors. Men were seen as nothing more than a burden on society, a relic of a bygone era.

The world had once been a place where men and women were equals, but that had all changed when a mysterious virus swept across the globe, killing off most of the male population. The few that survived were left weakened and unable to contribute to society in any meaningful way.

At first, women tried to keep things going as they had before, but it soon became clear that they were the only ones capable of doing so. They took over the jobs that men had once held, and they did them with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

Women became the doctors, the scientists, the engineers, and the soldiers. They built new cities, created new technologies, and defended their world from threats both internal and external.

Men, on the other hand, were relegated to the role of caretakers. They were responsible for taking care of children and the elderly, cooking, cleaning, and other domestic duties. They were seen as little more than glorified servants, and their contributions to society were largely ignored.

Despite this, there were still some men who refused to accept their place in the world. They formed small communities, living off the land and trying to survive without the help of women. But these communities were few and far between, and they were often met with hostility from the rest of society.

In the end, the world had become a place where women ruled supreme, and men were little more than an afterthought. It was a strange and unfamiliar world, but it was the only one they had.

Once upon a time, in a world far different from our own, men were deemed useless. It wasn't always like this, but over time, women had evolved to become the dominant gender. They were stronger, smarter, and more capable in every way. Men, on the other hand, were seen as weak and feeble-minded.

It started with small things, like men being excluded from certain jobs or activities. But as time went on, it became more and more apparent that men were simply not needed in this world. Women could do everything that men could do, and they could do it better.

At first, men protested. They tried to assert their dominance, but it was no use. Women had already taken over. They had the power, the money, and the influence. Men were left to fend for themselves, struggling to find a place in a world that didn't want them.

As the years went by, men became more and more marginalized. They were relegated to menial jobs, like cleaning and cooking. They were seen as nothing more than servants, there to do the tasks that women didn't want to do.

But even in this world, there were a few brave men who refused to give up. They fought against the system, trying to prove that they were just as capable as women. They formed their own communities, trying to create a place where men could thrive.

But it was all for nothing. The world had changed, and there was no going back. Men were useless, and there was nothing they could do to change that. They were left to live out their lives in a world that didn't care about them.

And so, the world continued on, with women at the helm and men left behind. It was a strange and twisted place, but it was the only one they knew.

Once upon a time, there was a small village called Femdomia, where men were dependent upon females for everything. They had to wear short dresses and skirts, which were considered the norm in this society. However, to the surprise of many, the men actually liked it.

The village was run by a group of powerful women who had established a matriarchal society. They believed that men were not capable of making important decisions and needed to be controlled by women. The men, on the other hand, were happy to be under the care and guidance of the women.

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