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Isaac was an eleven-year-old boy who was more sensitive than most. His father, Edward, had always been determined to protect him from the cruelty of the world, so he did his best to shield him from the realities of life.

But unbeknownst to Isaac, Edward had grown up in an unhappy world, one where he had been expected to please others in increasingly degrading and humiliating ways. It had been a normal occurrence for Edward to be passed around as a toy, doing the bidding of those more powerful.

To the outside world, Edward was a respected and obedient father, and so it came as a great shock when his new step-father demanded that Isaac be used as a plaything for his and his older son's own pleasure. Edward was horrified, yet powerless to stop it. To make matters worse, Isaac's own mother sold him out, forcing him to comply with the demand.

Every night, Isaac was forced to endure the shame and degradation that his father had before him. Though Isaac was too young to understand the gravity of his situation, Edward could feel his sorrow and humiliation every time it happened. Nevertheless, the father dutifully obeyed and pled with the step-father to leave Isaac alone.

Finally, one day Edward mustered the courage to escape with Isaac. The pair ran away and eventually found a safe place to start over.

Though the trauma of his past still lingered, Isaac grew up as a strong and resilient child, one who would never allow someone to take advantage of him the way his father and step-father had before. Edward and Isaac's relationship became even stronger for going through such a painful experience together, and they were both grateful to have a second chance at life.

James was a sensitive and feminine boy who had a difficult home life. His father, once a loving and caring man, had been reduced to a brain dead shell of his former self due to heavy substance abuse. As if this wasn't bad enough, James's mother recently remarried to an absolutely despicable man who sought pleasure from the most depraved acts imaginable.

One night, his stepfather brought some of his friends back to the house and instructed James and his father to entertain them. James was horrified, not only by the demeaning actions he was forced to perform, but also by his mother's complete apathy towards his plight. Utterly powerless, all he could do was obey and try to make the best of a terrible situation.

The fact that his father was accustomed to performing such acts of debasement did nothing to assuage James's suffering. He knew that his father had been forced to pleasure people all his life, and that he was so broken and desperate for validation that he did not even consider the possibility of escape.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, the men left. The nightmare was over, but the memories of that night would haunt James forever. Suddenly, he realized why his father seemed to accept his fate - all his life he had been conditioned to disregard his own suffering and just keep on living. James wondered if he would ever be able to break free from his miserable existence and build a better life for himself.


Karl was just a young boy of ten, a sensitive, feminine lad with big eyes and a warm smile. His world revolved around pleasing those around him and obeying the orders of his beloved father, a man who was so obedient, his brain seemed to be dead.

Together, Karl and his father lived peacefully in a small town far away from the hustle and bustle of a big city. Things seemed to be going okay, until one day Karl's mother remarried to a cruel, abusive man.

The new stepfather was a powerful businessman with many influential friends. For some unknown reason, he thought it would be fun to force Karl and his father to pleasure him and his friends, and would often bring them to the secluded basement of his mansion where they would perform various sexual acts.

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