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Entry 1:
I am so scared. They took me away from my village and sold me to an old man. I don't know where I am or what's going to happen to me. All I know is that I'm alone and I don't have anyone to turn to now.

Entry 2:
The old man seems nice enough. He's given me clothes and a bed to sleep in. He also tells me that he's going to teach me how to be his successor. I don't know what that means, but I hope it's something good.

Entry 3:
I made a mistake today and the old man punished me harshly. He beat me so badly that I couldn't stand up for a long time. I don't know why he did that. I didn't mean to mess up.

Entry 4:
Today, the old man gave me a gift. It was a new set of clothes and a book. He said that if I studied hard, I could learn how to be an assassin like him. I don't know if I want to do that, but I don't have any other choice.

Entry 5:
The old man is like a father to us. He tells us that we're all brothers and sisters, and that we're a family. I don't know if I believe him, but I like the idea of having a family.

Entry 6:
I made a big mistake today. I almost killed someone by accident. The old man was so angry, he almost killed me. I don't think I can handle this kind of pressure.

Entry 7:
The old man is grooming us to take over his role as assassin. He's teaching us everything he knows, so that we can carry on his tradition. I don't know if I want to do that, but I don't know if I have a choice.

Entry 8:
We've all grown close to each other. The old man said that we're all brothers and sisters, and that we have to look out for each other. I don't know if I believe him, but I do like my new family.

Entry 9:
The old man is getting old and sick. He told us that it's time for us to leave and carry on his tradition. He said that we're the next generation of assassins, and that it's up to us to make sure that the tradition continues.

Entry 10:
We've left the old man now, and we're on our own. We're all scared, but we know that we have to carry on the tradition. We're all brothers and sisters, and we'll take care of each other.

Entry 1:

I never thought that my village would sell me to an old man as a slave. I have no choice but to accept my new life. He says that he will teach me to be his successor. Little did I know, he's training me to become an assassin.

Entry 2:

The old man punishes me severely every time I make a mistake. I have scars on my body from his torture. I can't wait for the day that I'll be successful enough that he'll give me some form of reward.

Entry 3:

Today, the old man acknowledged my success and gave me a sharp, keen knife. It's a reminder that he expects me to be skilled and precise in what he's training me to do.

Entry 4:

Despite his harsh ways, the old man has formed a family with us apprentices. He treats us like his own children and teaches us to treat each other like siblings. This way, I'm starting to feel attached to my fellow assassins.

Entry 5:

The old man has given me a responsibility that's beyond comprehension. He has given me the choice to be the one who kills, or be the one who researches the victim, locating the best place and time to take their life. This decision will define what my life will be like from this point on.

Entry 6:

The old man has revealed that he is immortal and has been training children for thousands of generations. This is far beyond anything I ever thought was possible. He has so much knowledge and experience, I'm excited to learn from him.

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