Chapter - 11

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Hongjoong's pov

Should I thank today for being a Saturday cause I didn't have a school or should I be sad that I can't yet clear out what he said yesterday? I should literally stop saying this but the universe fucking hates me...

Good thing I have no work today except the sudden sleepover plan a kid made, and forced me into it. Sometimes it's good to have mingled friends they don't fret over you instead you can trouble them when you want just like Mingi and Yunho they went on their own road trip. It's 11 am now and the "cute little plan" as Wooyoung mentioned it to be don't start till 6 in the evening but I am still stressing over it knowing it's just literally my brother and his best friend and Yunho is not here makes me anxious. The way Seonghwa is fucking up my thoughts with his unusual antics is anyway gives me anxiety and now this is making me nervous, I don't know what will happen.
Let me get my work done for school till then so I don't have to work tomorrow cause I am sure I won't get enough sleep today. I have a feeling like I am one of the teenage fictional characters who forgot their school but surprise I still need to complete it or else the grades won't be gifted to me for my existence only.
Finally, after like two hours I was done with my work it wasn't much but I was done. Ahh relieved!
The notification sounds of my phone caught my attention and picked it up from the nightstand only to see a text message. 

Hey! Just a random hey from an unknown number, wierd.
Who's this? I replied. The reply came much faster.
Oh sorry right this is Seonghwa. Why does he have my number?
Why do you have my number and why and from where did you get it? I held my phone tightly till I saw the typing sign then the reply came and it sounded so confident.
I had your number for a long time and from where I won't tell, I texted you to let you know that I am done with the dialogues of the drama since we need to present it on Monday.
Okay 👌
So are you doing anything?
We are no friends to talk about this.
Yes, sir got it have a good day.
Yeah, whatever bye.
Why is he like this he just talks so casually with me as if I am so close to him as if he doesn't know how much I loathe him.

"Hyung are you ready? We are leaving." Leaving? the hell where? why I don't know and still in this plan.

"Where are you-we are going," I asked Yeo when I saw him entering my room already dressed up.

"Hyung we going shopping at the mall let's go fast come on I will be waiting outside Woo is already here" and he was out which didn't give me any option to ditch the plan.

With very lazy steps I moved, got ready, and went down to boys standing outside chit-chatting more Wooyoung talking and Yeosang nodding his head, pretty usual.

"Okay now tell me why are we going shopping?" I sighed audibly.

Wooyoung giggled at me and said, "Hyung just some time we need to spend together that's why and I guess you will like this mall cause it has a bookstore and a library." Thank God they gonna leave me but didn't show excitement just gestured to let's go, with that we got on the car.

The mall was big really I don't remember coming here maybe a new one. Oh, I see a pretty food court but I should wait a little before going there. Anyway I was getting pulled by none other than Jung Wooyoung to a store which he thinks is so cool that he can't get enough of it, typical Wooyoung
hyped up about everything he likes.
As we go around the store I like the style the store has might as well something for myself, but suddenly I feel a tap on my back and turn around to find my favourite cute boy standing there smiling looking totally like a cute cuddly bear in that brown jacket he had on. 

"Hi! Jongho what are you doing here" I hate when people ruin my peace but this boy is exceptional for me, he is just that much adorable.

"Hyung hello I saw you around so I came to say hello I am here with my friends, are you alone I see no one with you," he said while searching for someone around me I don't know who that is.

"No no, I am here with my brother and his friend." On cue, I hear Yeosang's voice and I see a little twinkle in Jongho's eyes or was I wrong I am not sure, I turn around and see Yeo holding two Jackets one being denim with a little bit of abstract art and the other one a black one with thread embroidery done on it which might give off the whole royal feeling. (AN; refer to the image above, a literal prince.) 

"Hyung help me select which one would look good on me" It's the black one he was going to look like a prince in it, but before I could answer a voice from my back which belonged to Jongho said. 

"The black one it's perfect for you" With a shocked face, Yeosang looked behind me. 

"Oh Jongho," his voice was so soft, he stuttered also "Wh-what are y-you doing here?" Damn, what's happening in front of my eyes.

"I" he sighed "I came to say hi to Hyung" Jongho bro what exactly is going on I was standing in the middle and in a deep confusion right now.

"Oh right Hyung" he realized that just now how grateful of you brother "Yeah so Hyung is the black one okay" Aww so my little brother has a crush on this boy and it doesn't seem one-sided. 

"Yeah the black one is nice" he looked behind me for a second and he was off to the trial room.
The person behind me no now on my right looked at the back of Yeo a bit too long and then shook his head.
"Hyung I will be off now my friends might need me happy shopping" 

"Wait give me your number so I can talk and send you some pictures I want to" he looked a bit worried about what pictures I would send.

"Chill I am not a pervert let's be friends I can't miss the chance to have a cute friend" he smiled and took my phone and entered his number then he left.

Whatever is happening I feel like interfering a bit I know it's not good to do that but I guess I should for my brother.

The number I took might be the first step cause I am going to send Jongho the picture of Yeosang in that Jacket.

Cupid Hongjoong era this is.





𝐔̶𝐍̶𝐁̶𝐎̶𝐓̶𝐇̶𝐄̶𝐑̶𝐄̶𝐃̶ (Seongjoong)Where stories live. Discover now