Alive but At What Cost

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To avoid attacking Hidan outright, Sasori stormed away and was going straight to his room until a cool but strong hand wrapped itself around his wrist. He recoiled, ready to attack when a soft but clear voice interrupted him.

"You're touchier than normal. Is there a reason?" It was Itachi of all people, for once not with his much larger, more outwardly intimidating partner in tow.

He wanted to punch the smug black eyed man in the face but the unassuming quality of his expression and lilt of his voice had Sasori sighing in defeat. 

Outside of mission briefings, Itachi and rarely Kisame were the only ones who said anything beyond one word answers or clipped double meanings anymore. 

"We can speak privately in my room. Kisame is out shopping for sweets for myself and upgrading his weapons roster." The Uchiha explained.

Sasori followed him without further ado.

Itachi sat with his arms crosssed and his legs doing the same at his desk after turning the chair around. "I'll let you lead. I'll merely listen."

"What are you my therapist?" Sasori snarked but his facade was easily crumbling now that he was away from prying eyes.

"Why would someone hold someone's hand?" 

Itachi hid his laugh behind a cough. "Sasori surely you have the answers to that. You weren't a puppet your entire life."

"Since I was 15." He mumbled, registering the slight surprise that crossed the ex Konoha ninja's face.

He changed his tone to ensure it didn't sound like he was speaking to a young ignorant child.

"Several reasons. Family does that as a way of comfort. Lovers do it as a symbol of their bond. Friends do it on occasion for support." 

Sasori looked unconvinced. Before the silence became too overbearing, he forged ahead. "And why would someone speak to someone who can't hear them?" His voice shook slightly but Itachi deigned to comment on it.

"There is a myriad of reasons one might do that. One would be habit, like someone speaking to a pet who can hear but not understand. Or someone who has recently gone deaf."

"What if that person is sleeping but not really sleeping? I'm talking about Deidara."

Itachi hid his lack of surprise well. " There are studies that indicate talking to someone who is in that state is comforting to both the speaker and the invalid. Some physicians are adamant that the comatose patient can even hear the other person."

"So is it true or bullshit?"

Itachi shrugged, popping his shoulder in the process. "The science is inconclusive, but if it was someone I cared about I would do it. There isn't anything to lose in doing so after all." He looked up as Kisame entered the room, arms full. 

"Let me help you with that." Itachi took a few bags from his partner.

"Sasori." Kisame greeted hesitantly.

"I was just leaving." He stood up, nodding curtly to Itachi as he made his exit.

"So did you get anywhere with him?" Kisame asked as the two prepared their meal. 

Itachi smirked. "He asked questions and I gave general answers. What he does with the information is entirely up to him."

"Your shrewdness never fails to amaze me, even after the years of knowing you." Kisame said, setting aside the largest sweet roll for his partner.

Sasori paced about his room, took sleeping pills, and thankfully didn't dream at all until the morning. He checked the time and headed to Deidara's room, glad that Hidan wasn't present this time.

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