Interpersonal Relationships and Faux Paus

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"I'm telling you Dei, it's only the bar, the Asylum, you know your favorite." Hidan nudged him. 

"I really wouldn't classify any bar as my favorite. After a while, they all start smelling like piss and the drinks get more and more overpriced every time, yeah. Besides I'm still recovering unfortunately." He deadpanned, not sounding at all upset about his still recovering status.

"Pein cleared you for light duty shit around the base so there's no reason you shouldn't come out with us." Hidan tilted his head back. "Be a sight better for you than moping about here and spending most of your time with Sasori."

Anger flashed in Deidara's face at the dig at Sasori but more importantly that he was moping like a fucking kid. "I haven't been moping Hidan! In case you missed the memo, my body has to catch up. Three months in a near death state will do that to you, but you wouldn't know of course." He had made a lot of progress in his recovery truly. He could nearly lift his arm all the way up and was able to lift most normal household items with no assistance. However, no sign of his jutsu recovering and the road to building his strength back up would take time, coupled with how to relearn how to do many things with one hand.

"Sasori has been helping me a lot and I'm able to clean and stuff-"

That's exactly what I mean! You are turning into a fucking hermit. Where's your old sense of adventure? Your reckless spirit? Doing basic household cleaning what the actual fuck? Hell, your desire to be out in nature! You haven't left the hideout since your injury for fuck's sake."

"Sure I have! I go out for some fresh air with Sasori-"

"You're leaving to go to the bar with us if I have to knock your stubborn ass out and drag you there myself."

"Whatever, Hidan. I'll come but let me tell Sasori danna that I'm going first."

"Uh, why? I get you want to bone him but does he have to piggyback on every fucking thing you do."

Deidara's face flushed prettily, "I do not fucking want to bone him! You're disgusting for that yeah."

"I'm disgusting or he's disgusting?" Hidan snarked back. "He's not invited so it'd be better if you didn't say shit to him about it. Besides there's a few people I'd like to introduce you to."

"You don't think they'd like to meet him?" 

"Ha!" Hidan cackled. "If they saw him from afar, they might but once he opened that toxic mouth of his they'd bolt. Dude's like a poisonous rose or some shit."

"A dahlia." Deidara corrected, thinking of how pretty that particular flower was and how it sort of reminded him of his partner. He was easy on the eyes, everyone knew that but he certainly had his thorns that were designed to keep people at arm's length. As they spent more time together and not just on missions, Deidara was starting to see some of the behaviors that were clearly barricades thrown up to protect Sasori. Many of them the redhead probably didn't even consciously realize he was doing anymore, it was out of old habit and old habits sure died hard. That being said dahlias were great for treating certain illnesses but you needed the proper dose otherwise you'd die. That was something he remembered the redhead explaining to him once.

"Who gives a fuck about flowers? Put something sexier on and get ready to go the fuck out."

Deidara rolled his eyes but did as Hidan instructed. Sasori and he didn't usually spend time together on Wednesday nights anyway, the puppeteer usually used that day to catch up on reading about the latest poisons and battle techniques or to work on his puppets. The redhead might not even realize he was out of the base due to being so immersed in his work. Not that he was required to explain himself to his danna anyway.

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