the hunting dogs disband 🥰

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"I hate to say this, but..." Teruko spoke, her eyes brimming with tears. "We- we're disbanding the Hunting Dogs."

"I- there's no way. No- you wouldn't do this to us, Teruko?"

"I wouldn't, but the government forced me to. They told us to split up forever. We can't even stay friends." Teruko started crying on the spot, and Tachihara joined her, hugging her tightly as if it was the last time they'd see each other. And it was. After the whole vampirism event shit, Fukuchi was annihilated, and the Hunting Dogs was technically out of a job. They had nothing to do, since even criminals were scarred by the event, and it would take around a year for them to even dare start their criminal actions again. The Hunting Dogs were useless.

The news took a huge blow to Jouno. The Hunting Dogs were the family he never had, and now they were being forced to not even be allowed to contact each other. Jouno hadn't liked his life outside of the Hunting Dogs. He had nightmares every other night, sometimes had to sleep on the streets, and the criminal organisation he had been in only kept him as a tool. His "friends" there ostracised him every day, never included him in anything. And he had just gotten together with Tecchou. He had finally found love. At long last, he felt loved. He felt love for the first time, and the government was going to take Tecchou away from him. And Tachihara and Teruko.

"You- I- what?" That's all Jouno could muster up, and Tecchou merely stood there petrified, wanting to wipe out the entire police force. He suddenly wished that Fukuchi was successful. Because at least that way, Tecchou would be with the others. For the second time in about 9 years, he cried. He shed fucking tears. The only time before that he cried was when he found out that Jouno was alive. But the most extraordinary thing that happened, was that Jouno opened his eyes. They were ocean blue, just a bit filmy and all since he was blind. His face was unchanging, except for the lone tear that trickled down his face. "I- you're kidding. You- yeah. It's not funny anymore. Hahaha–! You're... kidding." Jouno turned to Tecchou and his face finally morphed into one of sadness. He was crying, like a normal person would at a funeral. "Jouno-.. I-" Tecchou just hugged him, letting him cry into his shoulder. But that's all he could do. They were disbanding. Forever.

They were perfect for each other. They just too little time. They just happened to be caught in the crossfire. They were right for each other, but they had too little time.

"Goodbye, Jouno Saigiku. I'll see you in another lifetime. A lifetime where we'll be together forever."

"...And goodbye to you too, Tecchou Suehiro. I'll be waiting for you in that lifetime, you better come looking for me."


Jouno was walking through the streets of Yokohama, passing by all the rubble and dirt. His instincts told him to go specifically to the empty yard in the middle of the city, and he trusted his instincts. He had set off towards the area, not expecting to meet a boy with a black blindfold around his eyes. His hair was messy and brown, and he had a slight limp from a stab wound in his leg. He was dumbfounded at first, but quickly recovered and helped the boy. "Hey, are you alright?" Originally, the boy stood there petrified a while, but soon relaxed as Jouno took a step back, signifying that he had no ill intentions. "...I think so. Could you- um. Could you help me get somewhere?"

"Ah- sure. Where do you need to get to?"

"The old Hunting Dogs HQ. Apparently, there's someone there I have to meet."

"Oh..? I- I'm the only one who goes there now. Well— whatever. What's your name?"

"Tecchou Suehiro. I can't really see though." Tecchou was blind, Jouno realised, mentally stabbing himself for not having realised sooner. "Well then, shall we go? I'm Jouno Saigiku. I live alone near the old Hunting Dogs HQ, since my parents left me and my siblings, though they say that the HQ is haunted." Tecchou seemed to be thinking for a while, probably contemplating whether to trust Jouno or not. "...Okay. I'll go with you." Jouno couldn't help but smile, taking Tecchou's hand gently to guide him and started on a description of the scenery around them. It was something you'd almost never see, a short boy tugging a taller boy along, the taller limping and blind, the shorter one describing things to him. And if you looked a bit closer at the Hunting Dogs in the past, you'd see that the strange duo along the streets perfectly matched the even stranger duo from the Hunting Dogs. They would lead the lives that Jouno Saigiku and Tecchou Suehiro couldn't, as Jouno Saigiku and Tecchou Suehiro. This was the start of their journey, the start of the lifetime the former them were unable to live. They would be together forever, as long as they stay in that lifetime and love each other for all of eternity. 

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