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Fast forward 3 months

Kali's mum Maya was a week past her due date and her and her stepdad where getting worried. They knew it was normal but it still worries them until Mayas water broke and she was going into Labour. About 4 hours later Kails little brother was born. (I am Somali and so is chunkz so I'm gonna give the baby a Muslim somali name also Maya is half somali so)      they named the baby

Ahmed Mohamed jama

The baby is around two months and today Amin and Maya are going on their honeymoon now that the baby is 2 months old.

  "Kali are you sure your good with Ahmed" my mum shouts from upstairs carrying her bag. "Yes mama I will be ok and Ahmed will be too" I say back. "Kali we will be back in 2 weeks ok honey" my stepdad says as he kisses my forehead.  "Ok bye guys" I say  "bye my loves" my mama says.


  Jobe🤭- jobe

Hey bae

Hey kal u gd?

I'm fine you wanna come over?

  Miss Girl where are yo parents

On a plane to Dubai

And I'm allowed over with supervision

Well bae it's my house and no one can say no

Ok I will be there soon baby


Ily  Jobe🤭Ilyt

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@Kalisantos10: My baby Ahmed is growing 😔

@Jobebellingham: I look like a dad but I like it
If you like it that much we can make one yk it takes two
@mayajama: shut this down now and why is jobe at our hosue
Ahmed was asking for him
@chunkz: come up with a better excuse next time Kali but Yh the dad thing is shut down
Ugh I want children

@Neymarsantos: não kali você não vai ter filhos seus 18 anos
ugh todos vocês estragam minha diversão

@Naileamessi4: Ahmed💋

@Phillfoden: we need Ahmed and Ronnie to have a play date
When you learn to say Ahmed correctly

@Camilaronaldo7: steal
Hell no you got 10 million siblings

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