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Today is Kali's 19th birthday party and she's is having a big party with her friends and family.
Kali Chose the theme Y2K for her birthday party and her mum and chunkz kicked her out for a while so they could put up the decorations  so her mum asked her to take Ahmed to there grandmas house and stay there and her mum said she could bring a friend so she took Nailea

Nailea came and picked Kali and Ahmed up from there house to take them to there grandmas.

"Hey Nai" Kali said to her giving her best friend a hug. "Hey Kali happy birthday ml" "thank you nai I'm so excited for the party" Kali said. "Ikr me too I can't wait for everyone to come and party plus I love the theme you picked" Nailea told her best friend.
The three of them drove together

Fast forward

Kali's mum had told her to come back with Nailea and to pick up Camila on the way back so we could all get ready together. So that's what we did and we blasted music because Ahmed was staying with my grandma that night.
Bc it was my birthday I got to control the aux and I played Tyler the creator and frank ocean and so many more artists.

We got to my house and I saw the decorations and I loved it

We got to my house and I saw the decorations and I loved it

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Lets just use this as inspo

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Lets just use this as inspo

I went and hugged my mum and chunkz thanked them because it look amazing and it was definitely more than what I asked for

"Honey I have got a surprise for you" my mum says.
I thought to myself what it could be my only guess was that it was jobe because jobe Said he couldn't make it due to training so that was my only guess.

"Come out" my mum shouts.
It's was my dad
"PAPA" I screamed and gave him the biggest hug ever.

My dad lives in Paris because that's were he plays my mum lives in London and I live with my mum so I go to my dad in the holidays and even when I do go in the holidays I don't see much of him anyways.

Present time

"Papa what are you doing here" I ask. "Well I was on my way back to Paris but I knew it was your birthday and I wanted to give you your gift in person" my dad says.
He hands me a bag and I open it I scream with joy and jump up and down.
"What is it" they all ask me.
I scream I jump on my dad and give him the biggest hug ever and thank over and over again
"Your welcome my love
Listen I know you must get ready for your party and my plane is meeting me soon ok my love so I have to get going but I will see you soon my love"

I give my dad the biggest hug and say good by to him.

Me and the girls went to my room to get ready and change and put makeup on

Me and the girls went to my room to get ready and change and put makeup on

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Camilas outfit

Naileas outfit

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Naileas outfit

Naileas outfit

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Kali's outfit

Y'all it's currently 4:44 pm I'm now going to nap so I will update y'all tmr

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