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Kali had asked jobe if he wanted to go to France with her due to his stress of moving clubs and thought that traveling and having a good time would clear his mind.
(They both took a plane to France)
After around 2 hours on the plane they managed to get there things.
There was a man standing in the terminal he had a whiteboard with my name on it and I recognized his face it was my dads bodyguard so me and jobe went up to him and he took our things and put them in the boot.
Me and jobe did talk on the way to my dads house he was just nervous to meet my dad.
As we parked up into the driveway we got out this out of the car and rung my dads doorbell
My dad opened the to see me and jobe.

"Ei, minha linda garota, senti sua falta, oh, espere, quem é esse garoto jobe" my dad says
(Hey my beautiful girl i missed you oh wait whos this is that the jobe boy)
"sim pai, é" I reply
(Yes dad it is)
" hi jobe nice to meet you I'm Neymar" he greets the brum boy.
"Hi Neymar is nice to meet you to" jobe says to my dad.
As we walk in I get greeted by bruna Davi and valentine and so does jobe.
The kids instantly warm up to him.
(valentine the most)
I texted my mum letting her know I'm safe
Jobe did the same
Since we were jet lagged we just chilled and went to sleep

Hey y'all sorry for being inconsistent with posting but I will update you in the next 2-3 days
Sorry for a short chapter

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