late night fun

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Tom was out in the yard, sitting in the grass with a bottle of vodka in hand. The grass was still a bit wet from the earlier rain, but he didn't care. He leaned back, giving a small huff as his back collided with the ground. The moon was almost full, just a few nights away from being whole. The stars shone bright in the dark sky, almost seeming to dance upon his retinas. Toms eyes shut for a few minutes, deciding to rest them for just a moment. Of course, after the long day, his eyes were irritated and tired, longing to shut and fall asleep, but Tom wouldn't let them. He would force them back open everytime he felt sleep approaching upon him. Eventually, Tom opened his eyes to see someone there, watching him from the sidewalk. A figure, shadowed by the rather dim streetlight. He felt fear, freezing on the spot he lay in.

Tom was just deeply terrified, concerned and regretful to have stayed out on the lawn. What an idiot. However, eventually the figure spoke, and somehow the voice managed to let his fear subside. Even if it wasn't the most welcome voice, it consoled him. Tord seemed amused though, cause Tom heard him chuckling like an asshole. He just clicked his tongue and smacked his lips in defiance.

"Oh boohoo, did i scare you?" Tord approached the boy, standing beside Tom as the boy laid there. "You better not be drunk, you know. Edd will get pissed off about it." Tord nudged the boy with his foot, to which Tom gave an annoyed groan in response. "Tord, you're an asshole, you know that? Let me drink in peace. I'm a grown man, Edd can get over it." He rolled over onto his side, facing away from Tord. It was silent for a few seconds, before Tom felt two hands grip at his ankles. He let out a yell of surprise, before Tord started dragging him across the lawn, Tom dropping the vodka and aggressively gripping at his hoodie to keep it from rolling up. Tord laughed like the asshole he was, eventually making his way to the house with Tom.

"Stop stop stop stop!- you dick!" Tom struggled, gripping onto the edge of the concrete for a moment when Tord had him in the doorway. "We're going in, drunk, come on." Tord whined, pulling harder as Tom desperately grasped the concretes edge, pathetically attempting to stop it. However, the inevitable happened and he lost his grip, Tord pulling him further in to the house. "No! Let me stay outside goddamnit!"

Tord didn't relent, and Tom complained a bit more as his hands gripped along the doorframe this time, desperately holding at the wood. He let out a loud groan. "You're making me litter Tord! My vodkas still outside-" Tom let one hand go to dramatically reach out for his vodka, his other hand promptly giving out. Tom and Tord immediately fell backward into a heap on the ground, Tord giving a small grunt of pain. "Ow."

Edd got up after they made such noise, having been in bed trying to ignore it. He was just in his underwear and shorts, giving a small yawn and glaring at the two. "what are you two doing? This looks gay. Get up and go to bed, it's almost midnight and if Matt wakes up we're all gonna suffer. Go. Shoo." He grabbed the broom from the kitchen, swatting at the two men on the ground like bugs. Tord started laughing again, holding his hands out and lurching his head back closer to the ground to defend himself against the bristles.

Tom lightly kicked his feet against the broom as well, wiggling off of Tord and hiding by the couch, to which Edd followed. Tom just continued moving away from the broom, getting up from his crawling. He was in wet clothes from the grass, and his socks were soggy now, as his shoes had been lost at some point in the process of being dragged around. "Fuck you Edd! Get the broom away from me-" Tom kind of just ran into his room After that while Tord continued rolling around on the floor in a fit of giggling.

Edd was satisfied with Tom hiding in his room, making his way over to begin hitting Tord with the broom instead, for the second time. Tord finally decided to take it a bit more serious, giving small yells as he got swatted at. He kicked and crawled on the floor, trying not to laugh too hard as they had to make sure Matt didn't wake up. It was almost midnight, after all, and waking Matt up would lead to immense suffering at this time of night. He went and shut the door to his room as well, breathing heavily as he kept trying not to laugh. It was comfortable though, since now they could all go to bed despite the broom swatting that had just occured.

Edd went back into the kitchen, setting the broom back into it's designated spot. He then gently clapped his hands,rubbing them together before swiping them on his shorts. He headed back to his bedroom, making sure that Ringo followed him. Her bed and everything was in his room, and he didn't want her to be outside and breaking anything in the house, as she was still an energetic cat. Once he knew for sure she was in the bedroom with him, he shut the door and retired to his bed. Once he laid down And got comfortable though, he realized he never turned off his bedroom light. Edd gently picked up a lazer pointer. "Go on Ringo, get it-" he shined the light and ringo followed it, eventually jumping up and hitting the light switch. Edd was happy with that, turning the lazer pointer off and setting it back down, pulling the blankets more comfortably over him and closing his eyes, sleeping.

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