2 -- Res[𝚃𝚕]essness is a V[𝙸𝚛]tue

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Ohohoho this one's gonna be FUN (pls enjoy my hard work and the struggle of fixing all the text Mr.Ear put in comic sans to annoy me KLSDJFLFJDKLFN) also listen to the song it makes it better, trust me ;D

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~ Albuquerque, New Mexico, 20XX ~

~ Sunday, 14:46 ~

         "So, dad, where- where are we going?" Jr. spoke shakily, unsure of what to expect from his father at this point. Shuffling a bit and lightly kicking a shard of his broken phone away, Mr. White just murmured worried nothings under his breath, too concerned with what they planned to accomplish by running away. In what could easily be described as 'a sad attempt to calm himself down', he recounted the events of the day and what had caused such an agonizing shift in the course of their lives in such a short amount of time. This would probably not be the first time, as he was having some trouble just processing the situation at hand. An argument. A significant call. Gus. Damn him, playing with the lives of his family without any second thoughts. All they needed to do now was escape and plan a strike back, if he could sum up the will to think about something like that in this moment. With that brought to mind, Mr. White understood what they had to do next; while he was moderately calm he knew he should take this opportunity to gather everything into order and prepare for their escape.

          Jr.'s eyes never left his father's expression as he was tuned out, in deep thought. "Dad?" he repeated, stepping closer to him "We can't leave mom back there. I get that- that we need to leave, but can't we go to the- the police or something? Why are we going on some random plane to wherever?" Walter's eyes locked with his son's and they stood there silently for a moment, Jr's fearful and questioning look battling his father's cold, hard stare. Mr. White opened his mouth to reply when a crash sounded from outside the airport's entrance. Lurching slightly, he spun toward the source of the sound, to be met by the sight of a silver car pulled up on the curb of the road outside. A familiar man was running toward them, dragging a half-open black suitcase behind him, rather roughly. The short fluff of brown hair on the subject's head alerted Mr. White to the man's identity, to which he immediately cried out to,


          "WHAT?? BUT MR. WHITE-"

          "AGH- FINE." Jesse let go of the bag and it fell to the ground with a soft thud. Stumbling over his own shoes, he rushed toward the two and exclaimed, out of breath,

          "So, where we headed?"

          "Doesn't matter, let's get out of here now, the flight is in a few minutes." Mr. White stated, wheezing slightly as he began to speed walk away with Jr. trailing after him, justifiably confused. Jesse raised an eyebrow skeptically before jogging after him. Once he caught up, he began to question Mr. White.

          "What do you mean, doesn't matter? I think where we're headed is pretty damn important man. What if we're headed to, like, the middle of Egypt or something. Did you at least make sure we aren't landing the middle of some f**cking desert? Did you even think about that? Huh?" Mr. White just scoffed at Jesse's blatantly aggressive questioning, without answering sufficiently. Grumbling, Jesse looked down at the orange and white tiled floor beneath them, before glancing around suspiciously at anybody nearby. As he was about to reach a hand up to fix his hair, he finally realized who was with Mr. White the whole time. His jaw dropped slightly, and his eyes darted between the two of them, Jr. giving him a blank stare at his realization.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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