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18 Years ago....

Author's Pov

Zahira was shocked to see him here,

The boy she saw in the park, was in front of her!


She couldn't believe it as her mouth agape slightly her little  brain thought that   she was still dreaming

Not being able to see his face clearly because of the dark she took a step towards him while he stood there like a statue

Her innocent eyes went from his captivating blue eyes to his hands, He was holding something in one as one of of his hands were fisted

She was again going to take a step fascinated by him

When suddenly she hears a noise from behind and she looks behind immediately in fear to see it was just a dog who was barking

And her little heard again moves in front to look at him only to get shocked as her eyes widened

He was no more in front of her, it was as if he vanished again

her eyes wandered everywhere but there was sight of him anywhere

"Where did he go? Did he leave again?"

She asked And that made her pout

'Why did he leave again?'

She plundered, sad that he already left before she could even talk to him as she downcast her eyes

When suddenly something caught her attention on the ground and she bent to pick it up to see

It was a chocolate! A chocolate bar  kept exactly in front of her

A huge smile comes on zahira's face looking at the chocolate as she quickly tore the wrapper away and had a bite

The chocolate melted right away in her mouth, it was an ordinary chocolate but at that time it felt like the best ever she had

She didn't understand how did that chocolate bar come here it wasn't here before as far as she could recall

But she didn't pounder much about it and happily left back with it to her home,

Clearly unaware of the figure standing behind the tree who looked at her from a far

A secret smile on his face that she accepted and liked the chocolate

He brought for her.....



" He is running away!!! Catch the boy!!! He stole from my shop...Catch him!!!"

Shouted the shopkeeper from behind

A chocolate in his hand as he ran away making through the crowded bustling streets of the city of Mumbai

He was huffing and breathing frantically but he didn't stop because he knew if he did he will get caught

Some men were running behind him recognizing him as the one who has also stole from their shops in the past

He took a turn to a narrow dirty lane leading towards his basti, He looked behind finding no one

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