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Author's Pov

" What happened dear?" 

Came Rabeea's voice as she took a step into the room, Zahira got anxious and she said

" N-Nothing A-Ammi" 

She didn't know what to say in anxiety she stammered more somehow just wanting her to believe in what she said

But Rabeea sensed something was wrong why would zahira be crying for nothing 

"Did Something Happen zahira? 

You call me Ammi yet you don't think of me like one I know that's why you are not telling

Tell me did Faiz do anything?" 

She asked using her white cane as she neard Zahira, 

But tears came into Zahira's eyes, hearing her soft words and genuine concern she couldn't help but hug her 

She started crying on her shoulder as Rabeea consoled her

'So I was right something is wrong' 

Tears were blurring her eyes zahira didn't know how to say, what to say and if she could really tell her the truth 

so she did the only thing in her mind and she said

" Ammi, W-we l-lied to you" 

"What beta?" Asked Rabeea as she softly patted her back 

"T-That we are married," 

and that came as a shock to Rabeea as her blue eyes widened

"W-What are you s-saying Zahira bacche, Y-You a-and Faiz..." 

" Yes A-Aunty w-we are not married I d-don't love him 

I-In fact h-he has held me h-here cap-ptive against my will for months

he threatened me w-when y-you c-came here i-if i t-told you t-the truth he w-will kill m-my parents" 

But Rabeea was extremely shocked hearing what zahira said as she cried

She told her everything that he had done to her past all these weeks and months, 

How he terrorized her and forced her

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