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18 Years ago...

Author's Pov

It was nighttime

Faiz was on his bed, his head on his hand as he tried to sleep

but thoughts of what happened today we're continuously roaming in his head

How Aaqil pushed zahira and she fell into the water, every scene flashed in his mind

As much as he was angry on Aaqil but he didn't understand how he quickly rushed to save her

It was as if the moment he saw her drowning his heart stopped and he rushed to save her

In the process he also got hurt he didn't care as if it didn't matter

Was she really very important to him? He thought and he knew the answer for it

she is

at least to him, she gave him and his mother shelter and she even considers him as her friend that's more than he even wanted

But then why does he feel like to protect her from everything and be the only one for her?

He doesn't understand his ruckus of thoughts, shaking his head he tried to shoe away the thoughts

Zahira was his friend and she was just 6 year old that's all he wanted

With that he tried to sleep closing his eyes when suddenly he heard a knock on the door

The knocking on the door for rapid, Faiz stood up confused who was at the door

He knew it won't be his mother because she comes late after he sleeps and she has the key to the room

He went and opened the door only for his eyes widen

" Heyy! May I com in?"

It was zahira showing her toothy smile and she quickly sneaked inside the room

"Your room is also good! Is your bed also bouncy?"

She asked innocently as she sat on the edge of his bed and started moving her legs to and fro

She sneaked away from her room when her parents were busy talking and came to the servants quarter

Faiz was completely shocked to see her at this time of the day besides it was the servants quarter

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