Chapter 14

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The doorbell all three of us look at each other perplexed because no one is waiting for anyone since neither he nor I moved to open it mom in the meantime Rain says close to me I stroke his back when he opens I'm shocked by the person who appears in front of me he yes he puts slightly behind me squeezing my shirt I stiffen as soon as he looked at me with that smile that I hateSky "I should talk to Rain" he leansRain "yes tell me"Sky "alone" looks at meRain "Okay let's go to the room" lets him pass and gives me a kiss on the cheek runs reluctantly to go.I don't know how long they stay there but at a certain point the door opens I immediately snap and look at Rain to see if he has any injuries yes I know I'm paranoid, but I didn't like the way he looked at him.Then I look closely at Rain and I see him completely happy so my anxiety vanishes immediately he smiles at me, kindly accompanies him to the door, says goodbye, closes and sighs with relief, I go to him I put my hands on his waist and he does the same we look into each other eyesP-Payu " they are proud of you my love" I give him a soft kiss on the forehead. Obviously mom doesn't understand the reason for this from how she treated her supposed best friend, but luckily she doesn't ask questions.Mom "um guys I have to go out will you stop for lunch?"P-Payu "Sure" says goodbye and leaves. finally aloneP-Payu " honey I have to tell you about something beautiful "Rain "tell me"P-Payu "since we've been together for quite a while and I love you to death, did I ask your mom if she would let you come and live with me?" he looks at me I can't understand his expression he doesn't say and does nothing he stares at me, I'm starting to worry but he finally speaksRain "Really??" as soon as I see his eyes shine I breathe a sigh of relief he gets up and sits in my arms,Rain " Can I really come and live with you ?" I smile at him happily. At one point he jumps up and starts running to the room. I hear a mess. I run and I see that he is trying to pull down a suitcase.I lean against the corner and observe the amused scene, he turns and looks at meRain "would you give me a hand" I approach him and offer him my hand he pushes awayRain "really, really nice" I snort and sit on the bedP-Payu "come here" approaches and gets between my legs placing his hands on my shouldersP-Payu " my love you don't need to bring everything for now you can bring some gear then slowly over time you bring everything to me, this afternoon we have to go to the circuit for that asshole's race." He smiles and we kiss.

" He smiles and we kiss

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Love in the air P'Payu🌪️and Rain🌧️Where stories live. Discover now