Chapter 15 ( Rain 🌧)

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When I go to him

P-Payu " honey, don't worry now we only take what you need if you ever wear my stuff" I smile at him and give him a kiss on the forehead,

Rain "come on let's fix this mess" he looks at me shaking his head

P-Payu "ninth my dear I lie here on my stomach and watch you while YOU clean up the mess YOU made" well actually it's true, I got carried away a bit knowing that from there to shortly I would go to live Payu.

After quite a while I finally finished I only left one small suitcase.

At one point my mother comes in saying that she's ready to eat I help him get up and we go I walk in front of him and as I thought he slaps me on the butt I turn around I glare at him

P-Payu " What can I do if I like my wife's ass so much " mmm I can't stand it, while we eat the three of us we talk about this and that, every minute I get closer to that stupid competition I get more and more anxious in fact I haven't eaten much he knows it perfectly but doesn't say anything.

After eating I go to get dressed in silence I have so much anxiety and concern that I can't even speak I notice he does the same too.

After we went out, always in silence, we get on the motorbike and go around the circuit. I do the whole journey with my eyes closed, imagining every terrible scenario that could happen.

We arrive and everyone is waiting for us

Saipha "Brother are you ready?" I look at them both and they are all beautiful calm, I can not understand how you can be bah

P-Payu "I've never been so ready to defeat him" I confirm both are not normal. Then they acknowledge my presence I look at them P-Payu comes to me and hugs me tightly, his heart is racing I think mine is like that too

P-Payu " Rayn don't worry ok " I keep shaking my head I have too much anxiety, we look into each other's eyes he caresses my face right now it's just me and him no one else.

But of course Saipha must as always bother us we both look at him wrong

Saipha" the asshole has arrived" we turn around he has always scared me so much in fact I attach my arm and stand slightly behind him

Stop "and this one you like so much to make him come here" I feel his whole body stiffen I try to caress his back but nothing

Stop "ah well yes maybe it gives him good" he detaches from me goes face to face they study each other

Saipha "the bikes are ready" detach and go towards the bikes already positioned

Rain "I have so much anxiety"

Saipha "don't worry" I nod my head they turn on after a few seconds they leave at that moment I start praying that everything is going well she looks at me for a second she puts on her helmet and they leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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Love in the air P'Payu🌪️and Rain🌧️Where stories live. Discover now