Kitsune Gang

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The next day arrived, Padrig was leaned up against a wall within an alley outside nearby his place. He held a nice cold beer in his bandaged right hand while eyeing the sunny sky.

"What a nice fuckin' day this is..." The leprechaun mumbled.

Suddenly, a moroi would appear next to Padrig with a smirk on their face. Moroi were a type of vampiric ghost that were believed to drain energy from the living, this was proven false back in 1798 on June 2nd. They only took some energy from living animals, though a few moroi gave them a bad reputation long ago which would lead to an eventual war between them and the people of Romania.

This moroi's name was Vasile Bucur and he quickly put an arm around Padrig's neck before letting out a little chuckle and asking, "Nice day, huh?"

Padrig wanted so badly to just flip this moroi on his ass and beat or stab him senseless, but he couldn't. The moroi were much more powerful with their abilities.

"Totally..." Padrig answered. "Need somethin'?"

"I heard you and your little boyfriend have been running around fucking up shit lately, getting awfully close to pissing me and my gang off..." Vasile whispered. "A lot of those fuckers you two have killed lately are PRETTY important to us... Might wanna lay off of any more before somethin' happens. We happen to be a pretty nice little gang... So we're just giving you a heads up."

"Uh huh... Well here's the thing, pal... They deserved it. You didn't see what happened I'm assuming. I didn't kill those people for simply being around me. They fuckin' started all the shit they got themselves into when we killed them." Padrig told the moroi.

"What... What did you just say?" Vasile asked him before suddenly grabbing the leprechaun by the neck and slamming him up against another wall and letting out a hiss while their transparent body levitated just a little.

"Gonna kill me? Go the fuck ahead, I can already tell what gang you're apart of... They don't allow y'all to just kill anyone you want to, you need orders from the boss... You're apart of The Negru Colti." Padrig would answer, a smirk full of confidence clearly displayed.

"Who says they'll know? The Negru Colti aren't omniscient... They won't know a thing about my gutting of you." Vasile claimed.

"Uh huh... Keep telling yourself that, they may not be omniscient in the sense of knowing absolutely everything... But I can tell you're a new member. I used to supply to them back in my old gang before I left. Your gang hasn't told you how they treat y'all when you break the rules. They don't do that on the first week." Padrig explained. "First they drain half your life, then... They consume your soul... Usually with a special amulet."

"Wh-What?" Vasile muttered, he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"They leave you on your own to figure out the rules. The more rules you fuck up, the harsher your death will be... Killing someone without the leader's permission is the biggest sin of them all. So I'd suggest you let me go."

"Fuck you!" The moroi hissed before vanishing. Padrig would simply land back down onto the ground. He took a drink to that glorious victory and noticed Romeo fly down.

"What just happened?!" Romeo yelled, lunging towards Padrig and pinning him back against the wall with a crazed look of anger on his face.

"It was nothing more than a god damn discussion." Padrig chuckled back in response. He then put his right hand on Romeo's left cheek and looked the cupid in the eyes.

"Nothing more than a god damn discussion, huh? Sounds like bullshit to me..." Romeo mumbled.

"Everything is fine, hun~" Padrig said, he then leaned forward and kissed Romeo right on the lips pretty deeply.

"You're lucky you make me fuckin' hard and blushy..." Romeo muttered, kissing his leprechaun right back.

All of a sudden, a group of four kitsunes would step into the alley with golden knives.

These four kitsunes were Ryo Haru Kobayashi, Akira Tanaka, Sakura Saito, and Mei Emiko Fujiwara.

All of them seemed to have cyberware, Akira was the only one with cybernetic tails.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here..." Mei giggled, a smile was present on her face at the moment as she licked her lips.

"Shit... This gang?" Padrig muttered. "Romeo, get behind me."

"Nah, I'm fucking these cunts up with you! AND I'M GONNA CUT ALL OF THOSE TAILS RIGHT OFF!" Romeo laughed before readying his katana with a crazed grin on his face.

Mei quickly generated a ball of lightning and swiped her middle finger across the blade of her knife, attaching the element to it while cutting her own finger in the process.

She rushed towards Romeo and Padrig with Akira by her side.

Romeo's eyes widened upon seeing an incoming slash aimed for his throat. He swiftly ducked, grabbing Mei's hand and manipulating the knife into stabbing her right in the heart.

"Fucking CUNT!" Akira yelled as Mei choked on their own blood for a bit before dying in a pool of the red liquid.

Padrig then picked up the dropped knife from Mei and plunged it deep and into Akira's heart as well, killing them in an instant.

"Baka..." Ryo grumbled, he and Sakura both looked at each other for a moment before nodding their heads.

Padrig then went for a downward slash towards Ryo's face in order to distract him, Ryo quickly blocked it with his blade and kicked the leprechaun back a few inches.

Romeo was just about to aid Padrig but Sakura formed a fireball in one of her hands and hurled it towards the cupid. Luckily for Romeo, he was quick enough to collect the flame upon his katana's blade before clashing it with Sakura's.

The two stared into each other's eyes for a brief moment, the fire almost burning their retinas.

Romeo and Sakura would back up just a little only to clash their blades against each other once again, though this time the cupid would knock the knife out of the kitsune's hand a few seconds into this clash.

At that point, Romeo slashed Sakura's face with his katana, barely doing much but at least knocking them back somewhat before snatching the knife and stabbing them deep into the heart. Upon being stabbed in the heart, Sakura's eyes became half lidded and they slowly collapsed to the ground.

"SAKURA!" Ryo yelled, he would be distracted enough for Padrig to stab him in the heart as well, looking him in the eyes as he slowly died with blood trickling out of his mouth.

"Nice job, you lost all your friends, and now... You're not gonna exist any longer. At least not on this planet..." The leprechaun stabbed Ryo once again in the heart, finally killing him for good before staring over to Romeo.

Romeo just gave the leprechaun a thumbs up.

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