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May 2nd, Padrig and Romeo were currently leaning against each other in an alley while it rained heavily. The two hugged and looked into each other's eyes as the rain only got harder.

It would be lighter tomorrow, but for tonight the rain was expected to last long and harsh. The cupid kissed his boyfriend deeply while caressing his face with his hands a little.

"You're so beautiful~" Romeo spoke while they stood underneath a neon purple heart light. They were in Little Cupid at the moment and within this alley the lovers were in between a bar and a strip club called Cupid Chasers. Despite the name of the strip club, only twenty percent of the strippers were cupids. Most of the strippers were just angels with customized wings to make them appear as cupids.

"Oh, Romeo~" Padrig chuckled. "You are so much more~" He claimed. "You're a lovely little cupid~"

Romeo giggled, their tongues wrapping together as they continued to kiss each other. The cupid finally pulled back, panting while his and the leprechaun's saliva strung, connected just like their love.

"And you're a lovely leprechaun~" Romeo told Padrig.

Suddenly, his eyes widened upon hearing running from behind. He quickly turned around and grabbed his katana before decapitating an incoming zombie mugger.

That's when a female vampire lunged towards Romeo and grabbed him by the throat before slamming the cupid against another wall while three other zombies showed themselves with neon yellow glowing machetes.

Padrig just grinned and pulled out his golden pistol before shooting two of the undead men in the head. He then ran up to the third one and swiftly dodging an incoming swing from their machete.

Upon committing this neat dodge, the leprechaun bashed his zombie attacker right in the jaw with his elbow, spilling rotten teeth all over the ground and causing the jaw to plop down into a bloody water puddle.

The zombie let out a loud groan before falling on his knees and receiving a bullet to the brain.

Padrig smirked down at the corpse, he loomed over it and stomped down on its head, turning it into mush. He then started shooting right at the backside of the vampire lady, these bullets obviously wouldn't be doing anything due to them not being blessed or anything.

"MOTHERFUCKER, GET YOUR UNDEAD HANDS OFF OF HIM!" The leprechaun exclaimed, he started to beat on the vampire's back with his gun after all of his ammo had been used up.

"Let this happen, cunt. This cupid's gonna be my little play thing, you have nothing to use against me~" The vampire simply responded. She then did a headbutt to Padrig, this sent him flying back against the wall behind the three.

Romeo kept struggling, he would repeatedly try to get the vampire lady off of him by slicing at her waist, but she didn't let go. The vampire only gripped her prey's throat harder, making Romeo gasp a bit.

"Stay still, my little blood bag~" This vampire giggled. She loved seeing her prey struggle, though it often was slightly annoying.

Padrig struggled to get up, the wall behind him had broken a little, he was lucky not to have been paralyzed. The leprechaun groaned, as a list ditch effort, Padrig threw his gun as hard as he could at the back of the vampire's head, yelling, "LET HIM THE FUCK GO!"

All of a sudden, Romeo dropped his katana and jammed his thumbs into the vampire's eyes before twisting her head with all his strength. The vampire backed away finally, letting go of Romeo and dropping him back onto his feet.

Romeo gasped loudly, breathing heavily and coughing a bunch before puking just a little. Right as the vampire backed away, she fixed her head while blood oozed from her eyes and simply giggled before going invisible.

Immediately Padrig would react, finally getting up with a horribly aching back. He grabbed his pistol and whipped it across the vampire's face upon grabbing her by the neck and turning her around.

It looked like he had hit thin air, but the vampire quickly made impact with a dumpster, her body crashing into it easily before she went visible.

"FUCK YOU!" The leprechaun yelled, tackling the vampire and repeatedly pistol whipping her in the face.

He soon knocked her fangs out onto the ground, blood splattering as a result.

The vampire would snicker, sinking her leftover teeth into the leprechaun's neck and beginning to suckle hard.

"ONLY I FUCKING BITE HIM!" Romeo exclaimed, grabbing his katana and finally decapitating the vampire with a quick slice that Padrig was quick enough to dodge.

The vampire's thick crimson liquid spewed from its container, her neck covered in the descending blood while its host died instantly. This was another weakness of vampires, simple decapitation, though it had to be pretty clean and with a sharp enough blade. Old blades didn't work whatsoever.

Luckily for Padrig, vampire bites weren't lethal for his kind. Leprechauns had a special magic within their blood that made them immune to most diseases and viruses. This magical blood along with other magical things within the world were of course not allowed to be used in aiding technology unless it was very small such as certain pills for mental illnesses or disorders along with a few other minor things.

Romeo quickly helped Padrig over to a spot before eyeing his neck bite.

"D-Does it hurt?!" The cupid asked his boyfriend, kissing him on the lips immediately.

"J-Just a little..." Padrig answered, groaning a little before kissing Romeo right back.

The cupid took his boyfriend outside the alley finally after a few moments of kissing, their hair was all wet and everything as the rain poured down on them. Emotional affection was present for the two, their eyes locking in on each other while they panted slightly heavily.

Romeo started to kiss and suckle a little on the leprechaun's neck bite, Padrig let out a slight groan. He enjoyed pain from Romeo, not from others. Pain from Romeo gave way to pleasure, pain from others gave way to despair, however.

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