Chapter 1 : Meet then Goodbye

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The Hazard's of a One Night Stand

Chapter 1 : Meet then Goodbye

Three months later

[ Vanessa/Issa's POV]

"It's been three months since the last time I met Blake,his an asshole. I don't know what to do after that horrible night. I don't believe, I give myself to him, his a strangers.

"And now, I don't even see him inside the club, there's no sign of him. I have no idea why I'm too much affected that I'm not seeing him, it's just one night but......i feel there's something wrong with me.


"I wondered to whom this voice called my name, i moved my head back towards where the voice came from and i was surprised, it's Blake.

"He still remember me. I just asked myself because how he should remember me if that was the only night he'd see me all his life and I'm sure he doesn't know me at all.


"Yeah! It's me, how are you?

"Huh....? I'm go---good.
"I don't understand, what happening to me? Days, weeks and months past I feel trembling right now. Was it because i was in front of a man who've i give myself that i don't even know the history of his entire life.?

"It's been three months ha? he murmured.

"Ah--ha--yeah! Yo--you still remember me? I asked nervously.

"Of course I did, your a girl on a club right?

"Fuck! What kind of answers is that? We're a lot of girls working on the club. Does he had anything to say to tell me how he remembered me?

"Okay! I said shortly.

"How's your life going? he said deliberately.

"Ahm___everything is doing great.

"Alright, good for you.
"Listen, about what happened to us three months ago. I__.....?

"Don't worry, it's just one night. Let's forget about what happened, I said promptly. I didn't let him to finished what he was trying to say coz I know he doesn't like it at all. What happened that night was a total nightmare for us. We're both out of our minds that time. I know he just forced me to give myself over him but it's my fault either I let myself to respond. So! Whatever the consequences, it's our mistakes.

"I'm waiting him to answer me but then no words but staring on me. He moved his feet walking towards me until he reached an inch distance between the two of us. He hold my face then suddenly....

"He kissed me.

"What was the kiss all about,? I'm whispering to myself.

"I don't remember how long he'd kissing me then my mind suddenly told me to stop it.

"No Blake, stop it.
"I take away my face on him. I just lean my head down feels a bit of ashame. Why I been in this situation anyway?

"Why? You don't like it? he asked.

"I don't know Blake, it's just.....

"Do you love me Issa? He said that makes me shocked.

"That was the most harshest questions I've ever heard. We just met and know each other for only one night. What does he thought of that phenomenon, I will fall for a guy that too fast,? I don't think so. It's just one question bothering me now, why he asked such kind of a question? Does he interested of me or maybe I'm obsessed to think about it.

"What? I don't know what to say so I act like I didn't understand him.

"I said, do you love me? he repeated.

"Blake? I don't understand, what do you mean?

"That night? What do you feel? Do you like what happened? He asked continuously.

"Blake, what are you talking about? No, of course I don't like it, I said harshly.

"Oh! Okay.Thank you for pointing it out, he said.

"I looked at his face, he seems so serious. I don't get the idea what he means with all of those questions right now, he looks so disappointed.

"I'm going to France tomorrow, he said proudly.

"I can't help it, I really don't like what happened, I do but the moments right now was torturing me. What I should to say?
"Come'on Issa, what is wrong with you? I asked myself.

"That's why you're here, to bid you're goodbye? I said.

"Yeah! He answered tippish.

"How long you're going to stay there? I know I'm desperate asking these kind of question but it's how my minds wanted to talked. I know words coming from the mouth but words came out through the minds before mouth say it.

"I'm not sure, maybe a year or more..... or a lifetime,he said.

"Really? So I guess this is the last time?

"I guess so, he answered.

"After the conversation, silence breaks it. We both have nothing to say, can't move, can't talked.

"As I can see, his gesture same as the bad boy, he had a handsome face, muscular arms and a body with full seen abs, a heartthrob and every girls wanted to date. Who would have thought that a guy like him was the first guy who took my virginity.?

"His rich, I can see that, while I'm just a girl working at the club,which everyone thought of having a dirty work, some of us yeah! But clearly not all of us and I'm belong to those girls who have a dirty job but not in our self.

"Okay, Blake I should to go. I still have work inside.

"Okay! Hope to see you someday,.... .....Ms. Vanessa Anderson.

"I turned my face around across him,when I heard he voice out my real name. How he knows it?

"How do you know my real name?

"I'll tell you how till I met you again Issa, he said with playfully looks drawing on his face. As if his sure we're going to see each other again.

-"I didn't gaze to bother his answers, what he means on that, I'll wait for the time we met each other again.

"As if we know... ...

End of Chapter 1


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