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There was a big show coming up in Las Vegas. Sick New World was the show where Daron would return to the stage with his former band. He was not one to be on social networks all the time, so when he checked his email, he found an invitation to rehearse before the concert. It was expected to arrive at any moment. It was unusual to receive such a message. It had been a while since they had met mainly to rehearse. 

The concert was no longer his main motivation, he had a new band that was a bit forgotten, but it kept him active. He loved the songs he wrote, so to go back to playing songs that were no longer in relation to him was uncomfortable. He just hoped that this time the singer would be in good condition to perform the songs.

The invitation mentioned Shavo's studio, it seemed better that it came from him, he still kept his friendship, with his other colleagues he was not so close, it was a pity because on tour they were like a family. Obviously, he had to rehearse with them. He could not turn a blind eye, because as a professional the sound had to be in sync. For that simple reason, he replied the same night: "I'll be there. "

Monday at noon he showed up at his friend's studio. It had a weedy smell, but he understood it perfectly. So, when he smelled it as he walked in, he remembered 8 years ago when they used to go touring and would lock the smell in the car.

"Make yourself comfortable and you can plug your guitar, John is in the bathroom and Serj hasn't arrived yet, I hope he's not late. Are you excited about what's coming?I can't wait to go out tonight."

Daron looked at Shavo strangely, because he didn't feel the same excitement he used to feel about performing, he no longer felt on the same page as the others. 

"Sure" he replied to him, "I can't wait to be on stage with you."

Daron entered the studio and plugged his guitar into the amplifier, he was the first to enter because he wanted to be in a quiet place, then he heard a big greeting from outside. The person that Daron had been trying to avoid for all this time had arrived. The door to the studio burst open and Shavo called out to him:
"Hey, Daron. Serj has arrived. We'll be in the living room if you want to be here."
"I'll wait for you here, I'll warm up a bit," Daron said without turning to look at Shavo. The door closed; it was quiet enough again. Daron didn't want to see that guy.

John entered the studio. He also thought that no one was there.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I was looking for a place to relax before rehearsal. I came in here to..."

"Don't you think that we should be somewhere else?" John blurted out. He did not let Daron finish. "Ha, ha, I feel awkward meeting like this. When we're interviewed, we lie to people that we're still friends, but it's not the same. But I see that everything is still..."

"How long my people", Serj comes through the door of the studio.
After a long time, Daron and Serj stare at each other.

"We're grateful to be here". Daron replies in a serious tone.

"Ready to rehearse now" Shavo says. He gets ready with his bass and John with the drums.

Daron still thought about what John had told him. It made more sense to him. He didn't expect anything from the guys around him. The rehearsals he was about to do with them, it was only a matter of time before they made him uncomfortable and the last few gigs hadn't gone as he had hoped.

"Oh wait, I just got a message from a family member that they are coming to pick up some stuff from here. Oh shit, can anyone help me?" Shavo asked.

"Sure, wait for us for a moment." John gets up to help Shavo. Serj and Daron don't have time to react. "We'll be back soon," John shouted from the other room

Daron had no idea what to have a conversation with Serj about.

"How have you been Daron?" Serj said in a low tone.

Daron was a little surprised. He seemed to have no idea what he was asking him.

"Ah, I've been good... sorry. I have been a bit distracted. Don't you feel the same? and what happened? Do you think you're ready for this concert?"

"Who do you think you are?" shouted Serj. 

"Well, for me, I don't feel that excited. Is everything okay, Serj?" He had the feeling that Serj was very rude with his answer. I had to make sure that it was going to be okay for the band. He thought.

"We, just... we are old," said Serj in a nostalgic tone.

"Maybe I'm not inspired to do my best... " said Daron with his head down, playing a random tone on the guitar.
"You know, sometimes when I compose, I usually think of an annoying voice in the background. One that accompanies in contrast to my voice. Ha, ha, after everything we've been through, even if I want to separate myself from it all, it's very hard." Serj said

Daron lifted his head and laughed a little: "Man, what the fuck are you saying?"
Daron was flattered, he thought Serj didn't care about the band, but the moment he explained how he felt, he had a hope that this show would be back to its best.

"The band was never the same after we... were no longer together."

"What do you mean?" Daron said seriously, looking at Serj. 

"You know, when we made it clear that we were no longer..."Daron stopped abruptly. He stood in front of Serj and looked at him with a serious face. "We agreed never to talk about it again, especially not here, in the same place where the others are"

"Oh, please, you think they don't know?"

"Shut up. I can't handle this. I have to go." Daron was furious. He couldn't believe that Serj was talking about what had happened between them after all this time. He didn't have to; he didn't want to remember their time together. But it was one of the reasons why the band was like it was.

"Don't go, we have to finish rehearsal, our concert is soon, for God's sake. You're an idiot for taking it so personally. We were young. It wasn't going to mean anything!" 

Daron paused; his gaze focused elsewhere. He turned back to Serj. "We agreed not to mention it, not to say anything more. And it wasn't even my decision, why are you so pushy?"

"I thought you didn't care anymore..."

"You're an idiot, Serj. You only think of yourself"

He closed the door, "I'll be there in a minute". Daron screaming at Shavo. He went into the courtyard and took a box of cigars from his pocket, looked at the sky, and lost himself in his memories. At the same time trying to control himself as a good professional musician. For the good of the band.

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