Accepted entries and their judges
Judges MissApparition and EverythingsNothing
1. Finding Chef's Kiss by JSPRomComs
2. I'll Remember by LNRoberts1
3. What's wrong with my fan? by ViniShah2
4. There's Only You by HappyEndingWriter
5. The Smirk of an Oracle by strawberry1d
6. The Physics of Love by SaraSmith11
7. Made For Now by ToxicnBlack
8. Bet The Nerdy Kid by -BADASSBITCH-
9. Thirty Days With A Pop Star by reenie03
10. Nevergolden by LadyMaryAverman
TCR Awards| Third edition [Closed]
De TodoThe third edition of The Cogitatio Realm Awards. We grew and learned and adjusted our awards to suggestions we received on our previous awards. We are a community ready to showcase all the wonderful Wattpad books. Join our awards so that your boo...