29 | Future

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Komaeda laid down in the tent and pulled the blanket over himself. "Hinata-kun... it's cold,"

"Oh, uh... do you need another blanket?"

"No." Komaeda turned away from Hinata. "Can you hug me?"

"From behind?"


Hinata smiled and hugged him.

"Hinata-kun, do you want to have kids when you grow up?"

"What?! Isn't it a bit early to discuss that??"

"Have you never thought of your future?"

He sighed. "I guess I have. I wanna have one child,"

"Just one?"

"Yeah. That's only like... preferably though. If the kid turned out to be twins, I wouldn't mind,"

"And what job do you want?"

"I'd like to be a lawyer,"

"Woah, really? That's so cool!"

"And you?"

Komaeda thought about it. "Maybe a kindergarten teacher,"

"Really? That's kinda... cute,"


"I don't know. It think it's cool. Most of my friends hate kids, but... it's kinda annoying to be honest. I think it's great that you wanna take care of children,"


It felt like summer was over way too fast. School started again and Hinata felt defeated. He would graduate way too soon for his liking.

It was fall now. The two boys sat in a park, eating crêpes.

"It's your birthday soon," Komaeda said, smiling.

"Not that soon. It's in January,"

"I know, but still. I hope I can give you a good gift. It's gonna be hard to get you something that's better than my jacket,"

"I'm really happy you like it that much,"

"I love it!! I also love these crêpes, they're so tasty!"

Hinata grinned. "They really are,"



"When you go to university... You're not gonna forget me, are you?"

"Huh?? Of course not!"

He sighed. "Sorry. It's just... I know I'm not that good of a boyfriend. You'll probably meet so many nice and pretty girls there, right? So-"

"I'm not gonna cheat on you,"

"I know that. I just... I feel so bad..."


Komaeda stared at him for a few seconds before he replied. "Well... I'm ugly. I'm stupid and untalented and-"

"You're not any of those things! Who told you that?"

"A bunch of people. Like everyone I knew before high school,"

"Were you bullied?"


Hinata pulled him into a hug. "You didn't deserve that. No one does. You're really amazing,"

Komaeda's cheeks heated up. "Really?"

"Yes. Really,"

"Mm... I love you,"

"I love you too,"

Komaeda pulled back from the hug. "I have to go home now. I'll see you tomorrow." He kissed Hinata's cheek and then left.

On his way home, Hinata couldn't help but smile. He really loved Komaeda. What if... they really did get married when they were older? What would it be like? What if they had kids too?

Hinata opened the door to his house. "Honey, I'm home!" He called out and put down his suitcase.

"Hey, welcome back. How was work?" Komaeda asked.

"It was alright. Nothing new, really. What about you? How was your work?"

"It was really nice!" He smiled. "I hope you're hungry. I made dinner!"

Hinata gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you,"

The brunet turned bright red. What kind of thoughts was he having?!

♡ Eraser | Hinakoma/ Komahina | FINISHED ♡Where stories live. Discover now