Bonding And Consequences

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"Come on, Macaque! Master has been kidnapped again! We have to go and rescue him!" Wukong shouted up into the tree Macaque was resting in.

"He was kidnapped, again? Are you sure he's not doing it on purpose?" Macaque said from the branch he was on.

"Yes, he did. And no he's not getting kidnapped on purpose, at least I don't think. And the others got captured too! So come on!" Wukong shouted from below.

Although Wukong wouldn't admit it, he really just wanted to fight by Macaque's side or impress Macaque with his fighting skills. But Macaque only liked doing the bare minimum. Nothing more, nothing less. He would only do an amount of work where the group can't say he wasn't useful but they couldn't really say he was useful either.

It took Wukong a lot of time and a lot of effort before he was able to get Macaque to even acknowledge him, even longer to get Macaque to respond to him, and even longer than that to get Macaque to talk to him first.

"I'm sure the all powerful, Handsome Monkey King can rescue our...uh..beloved master all by himself. Besides, it's nice to have someone so strong and reliable to rely on." Macaque looked down at the monkey below.

Macaque was amused by how easily the Monkey King could become a flustered mess by a few words.

'Hmm. So I was right, the Monkey King wants recognition and likes being flattered. He's so simple. This information could fetch for a hefty sum if it's him.' Macaque thought with a smile but frowned soon after.

When Macaque thought about doing something wrong to the monk or the pig he never gave it a second thought. Yet for some odd reason, Macaque could never bring himself to do something to wrong the Monkey King.

It made Macaque all the more curious about the Monkey King. What made him so special that he could make Macaque feel this way?

"Besides, I might not be 'all powerful' but I can take care of myself just fine." Macaque jumped down from the tree landing in front of Wukong.

"Ah! I didn't mean it like that! I know you can take care of yourself without my help! I just..uh..don't want to leave you alone. Yeah! I don't want to go without you." Wukong stammered.

"Hahaha. I know what you meant, Wukong. But don't worry I've been on my own for most of my life." Macaque shrugged.

Macaque knew Wukong wanted to fight side by side. Macaque kind of wanted to fight by Wukong's side too but Macaque didn't want to become attached to him.

Though Macaque is pretty sure he had already failed that part. Macaque found himself interested in the king before long. Macaque wanted to know why Wukong kept on a happy facade. He wanted to know why the Monkey King always had a smile on.

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