Chapter 7

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| More Plans Foiled |

"Stop!" Dyntos shouted from somewhere behind her. "Stop her!"

Inmates shouted and cheered as Phosphora whipped past them, her ugly prison shoes actually kicking up sparks as she blasted down the hallway. A mob of COs followed her, but they were way too far behind to matter. Too far to stop her.

She was going to do it this time. She was going to outsmart those punk COs and that stupid, balding, toga-wearing old man. She was going to escape.

"Stop, Phosphora!" Dyntos yelled from some ways back as she cut around a corner. "Stop, now, or you're going to regret it!"

Phosphora ignored him, wall-kicking and vaulting over a guard who had appeared in front of her, trying to nab her. Prisoners within the female cell block continued to shout and cheer as she dashed past. "That's it, darling!" Veran shouted from the cell block she shared with Cia. "You're almost there! Just a few more yards!"

She was almost there: the security door loomed overhead, held open by a stone doorstop. The Dungeon always kept its security doors open these days: SmashVille's overcrowded, rapidly filling maximum security prison was haunted by the ever present stench of too many villains living on top of each other, and airing out the place was the only way could attempt to remedy the problem without somehow moving the prisoners to a holding place to clean the cells.

Heh. Fools. They're attempt to rid the Dungeon of its persistent stench would be their downfall.

As she reached the doorway's threshold, a CO, a green Kritter in an orderly uniform, slid in front of her, throwing his arms out wide to catch her. He dove down, attempting to grab her, but she again vaulted over him, planting a foot in his back and using it as a springboard to launch herself forward.

Yes! She was almost there: an open air tunnel spanned before her, rising fences on either side preventing her from launching off of the bridge and into the open sky. At the end of the way lay another gate, locked shut. As she dashed forward, COs and Dyntos still shouting behind her, she reached into the pocket of her rubber jumpsuit and pulled out a plastic key - one that Nabbit, the little sneak, had forged for her.

As she reached the gate, Phosphora quickly grasped the lock and inserted the key inside, twisting hard. The lock broke apart, and she kicked the gate open, leading to the Dungeon's southwestern helipad. She sucked in the air as she ran: storm clouds hovered above, saturating the air with the smell of rain. Gods, it was so good to be out of that suffocating cellblock!

"Phosphora." She paused to see Dyntos and his guards spilling out onto the platform, each of them armed with stun guns. The warden was glaring at her as he gripped the rubber handle of his huge mallet. "Phosphora," he said again. "I'm warnin' ya. We don't wanna hurt ya."

Phosphora snorted, planting her hands on her hips. "You hurt me?" she said in disbelief. "That'll be the day."

The COs mobilized, hurtling towards her. She dodged a grab and spitefully kicked another in the shin before launching off of the edge of the helipad. She soared upward and paused, making sure that she, truly, still possessed her ability to fly. When she didn't fall, she gave Dyntos a sneer before saying, "Later, losers!"

She jetted forward, flying over the male yard, where the male cellblock was currently out for yard time. The villains all looked up, shouting and pointing, as Phosphora flew over, stunned at seeing a fellow prisoner exercising her powers of flight, which was prohibited within the walls of the Dungeon. Phosphora grinned down at them and waved, knowing that they all wished that they were her.

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