Chapter 1

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Yoongi stood alone in the woods , giant trees rustling and whispering above him like unfriendly giants. Cold, gentle breeze swept through the forest bringing the earthly smell of wet soil and alluring scent of flowers that tingled his nose in a pleasant way. The wind messed up his slightly long black hair building a wild black halo around his head.

The wind picked up, tugging at his clothes, pushing and pulling, guiding him somewhere

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The wind picked up, tugging at his clothes, pushing and pulling, guiding him somewhere. Yoongi didn't resist and allowed himself to be pulled in whatever direction it wanted. He ended up facing a wide circular clearing.

In the middle of it stood a woman. Bathed in the silvery moonlight. Her dark skin sparkled as if she was sprayed with glitter all over. She wore a simple leaf green strapless dress that hugged her slight, delicate frame perfectly, the skirt was so sheer and delicate like it was going to fall apart with just a little touch.

She had her light bluish hair braided with some glowing flowers woven into it. Beneath them peaked two pair of pointed ears, adorned with number of glittery gems.

But all of it slipped right passed Yoongi's mind when he saw her eyes. They were large, luminous blue, illuminating her face like a pair of two lamps and so, so beautiful.

She stood alone, unmoving. The wind has long stopped but her dress and hair swayed anyway. Will-o'-the-wisps danced and flickered, bobbing up and down joining with the fluttering fire flies that seems to be doing a dance of their own.

The woman's blue eyes stared past him for a long time before focussing on him. She stood and stared, watching like a lion waiting to pounce on it's prey.

Then she moved, with the grace of a wild animal, creeping towards him without making a single sound. Yoongi stood frozen as she reached out a bony hand to hold his face up.

Up close, she was even more unreal. Her eyes had specks of gold and turquoise shimmering in a pool of luminous blue. Her angular cheekbones were dusted with gold glitter, complimenting nicely against her dark unblemished skin.

He did not notice the hand on his face creeping towards his neck. When he did, it was too late. The hand tightened and he gasped and spluttered, trying to push her hand away.

Tears spilled down his face making his vision blurry. He soon stopped struggling having no energy left, going limp with only the icy cold hand holding him by his neck and the world dimmed with pair of luminous blue eyes etched on to the back of his eyelids.

Then he woke up to see his mother shaking him by the shoulder.

For the first time ( not really) in his eighteen year of life he was so glad to be woken up. His mother's worried eyes stared at his face as he tried to shake off the horrible feeling of tight chest and panic. He soon found out that he was crying, tears running down freely, clear drops clinging to his lashes and he cringed away from wet sticky mess.

He waved away his mother's worries and managed to get her to leave after assuring her that it was just a bad dream. She looked disappointed when he refused to talk about it but didn't asked again.

This wasn't anything new after all. Nothing to talk about. Ever since Yoongi and his family changed houses and came to this small town, he was plagued by the same weird dreams. Same forest, same scenario, some weird creatures who seems to be particularly fond of choking him to death.

No matter how frequent the dreams are it still doesn't make it any easy to shake off the awful feeling and start with the day. With reminder of going to start the new school he sat up with a groan and looked around his messy room.

His whole room was littered with rumpled pamphlets, notebooks and random pieces of paper filled with half finished song lyrics and days old empty coffee cups

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His whole room was littered with rumpled pamphlets, notebooks and random pieces of paper filled with half finished song lyrics and days old empty coffee cups. He heard the sound of his mother yelling at his brother next door and hastily pulled off his covers and rushed to the bathroom. It was dark outside, hours before daybreak and the air was cold almost unnaturally. It must be illegal to be awaked this early.

He somehow managed to get dressed and go downstairs with minimal tripping and cursing only to hear his mother's bright voice.

" There he is , finally out of his den"

Yoongi groaned but put up with her fussing over his clothes and then over his breakfast.

" Where's the spirit boys? Aren't you excited about the new school? "

Her voice was too loud and cheerful for this time of the morning. She got no response with one hurriedly eating( Yoongi) and the other dozing off on the table, breakfast forgotten.( Jaemin )

The breakfast went on like this their mother carrying on a one sided conversation, somehow managing to brighten up the cold atmosphere and Yoongi quietly bathed in the warmth knowing very well that he has to walk towards the cold soon after this.

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