Chapter 2

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     The school turned out to be very much like he imagined it would be, looking ancient and odd, kind of a place you'd find in such a small town that looks like it came straight out of a dark fairytale.

The huge stone walls towered over them as Yoongi and his brother stood at the entrance. Fog  seems to cling on to every corner of school grounds, thick silvery tendrils wrapping around their bodies, cold and damp. The place gave off an odd feeling of wrongness that had uneasiness creep down Yoongi's neck. Next to him Jaemin seems to sense no such discomfort as he looked around finally looking like he's actually awaked.

There were some kids playing nearby, chasing each other and laughing out aloud. Hearing that happy sound felt very foreign on such a strange place that reminded him very much of a haunted castle or a cemetery.

The interior of the entrance hall looked close to one of an old mansion. Stone walls were bare and dusty. Cobwebs decorated the old chandelier hung above them. The floor looked like it hadn't been properly swept in years. ' What a cheerful place' Yoongi thought, quietly observing the shadowed corners that seems to move under his gaze.

A tall man dressed in a neat black suit approached them and introduced himself as the headmaster. He lead them through series of corridors that had their walls decorated with some old portraits of weirdly dressed people, their eyes seems to follow them as they passed by. The thought was creepy but in a place like this, it's only natural to have such thoughts. The headmaster lead the way until they reached a courtyard , that had benches placed among careful maintained bushes where many of the students sat waiting for their classes to start.

 " Stay here

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" Stay here." the headmaster said. " you'd know when to go to your classes."

Then he turned and left without telling them the locations of the said classes.

" That's an odd one isn't he ? "

Yoongi whirled around to see a boy. He looks about sixteen with sharp features that made him look somewhat like a fox. The boy smiled, his lips curling in the corner, exposing his teeth that were whiter than they should be. He had an odd unearthly beauty that made him less human and more like a supernatural creature that belonged to the wild.

" I'm Choi Yeonjun"

he said, thrusting a pale hand towards Yoongi. He shook it as Jaemin hid behind him. ' what a baby ' Yoongi scoffed in his mind. But Yeonjun noticed him anyway.

" You "  he Said, looking at Jaemin through his lashes, something predatory dancing behind those clear brown eyes. " How old are you? "

Jaemin shuffled nervously behind him.

" Fifteen "

Yeonjun beamed, eyes gleaming in childish happiness, that lion like gaze gone from his eyes

" Wonderful! "

he said and then dragged the younger away without sparing Yoongi another look.

Yoongi watched his brother giving him a pitiful look before disappearing behind a group of children with mild amusement. That student didn't sit well with him. Something about him was off but he felt like that with many people so he shrugged it off. It is good that Jaemin is making friends. He thought trying to forget that pair of fox like eyes.

He moved among the benches and bushes, trying to find a place that is quiet enough. He found one unoccupied bench in a corner and sat himself down to observe the other students. He might as well be ready if he had to talk to any of them.

There was a group of boys not too faar from where Yoongi was sitting. Two of them bending over a magazine, one had blue hair ( is that even allowed?) the other had black, hiding their faces as they both giggled at whatever there was on the paper. two more boys sat on the same bench, brown haired, playing some sort of a game using their hands. One of them repeatedly winning over the other and laughed out loud when the other complained.

beside them stood a boy, leaning against the wall behind them, looking fondly at the playing duo. the school uniform suited him well. He has discarded the blazer and had the sleeves of his white shirt rolled up, exposing pale, arms. the shirt hugged his body perfectly, clinging where it should and not where it shouldn't , tucked in to his black pants.

  He seems to feel Yoong's eyes on him as he looked up. He had lovely features, soft almond shaped eyes, brown and deep. He had plush red lips, a high bridged nose and all the beautiful structure that looked feminine and masculine at the same time.

Yoongi found himself staring, just admiring the beauty, he told himself later when the face came back to him late at night  that day. the boy stared too, for a while. And then he smirked knowingly, eyes glinting like he knows all the secrets and thoughts in his mind that even Yoongi doesn't know about. He looked away, already not liking him but couldn't force away the flush that crept down his neck, reddening the tender flesh that he knew pleased the other. ' Gosh. Pull yourself together" he thought.

The arrival of another presence, spared him from the spiral of embarestment that was yet to come. It was a tall person, standing in front of him covering the handsome boy for good. he had boyishly handsome features that were yet to harden as he grows older. The boy looked like he was around his brothers age. He looked at Yoongi with  large doe like eyes.

" Would you mind if I sit here? "

He asked, sounding polite and innocent. Yoongi nodded. The boy smiled, nose scrunching up  adorably.

" Thanks. I am Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook. " he said extending a long fingered hand towards him. " Are you new here? "

" Min Yoongi. yes I came with my brother. "

Jungkook nodded. Then he rummaged  through his bag, pulling out a sketch book and a pencil and began to draw. Yoongi was grateful for this. He was never good at conversations. They sat in silent, both minding their own business until the bell rang signaling the start of the school hours. Jungkook had packed his stuff and offered Yoongi a smile. " see you after classes ." He said and raced inside, disappearing among the mob of kids.

And just like that, he had made a friend.

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