Chapter Four

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"Open the gates!" A ragged looking man called, his hair salt and pepper and his eyes were dark. He looked unkempt, but not underfed and he certainly didn't look injured. There was a thick tension, this was a force, hardly a welcome party. Cass stayed quiet, better to let the others tread the mine-field. Her eyes shifted as Jay spoke up, shuffling forwards and he stood beside Cass with the rifle in hand. The walls would hold, or so every person present hoped. A convoy was hardly a good sight, too many wanted what they had for this to be a neighbourly greeting.

"Can we help you?" Jay asked finally and Andrew was listening intently from his position. The gates didn't move. They wouldn't without a command and others had scurried out of their dwellings to listen. The nerves were friction in the air, like electricity snapping and crackling.

"You've done enough! We've come to take ours by right." The man out in front said, he was eerily calm, like this was a regular Tuesday for him.

"What do you mean?" Jay called and glanced to Andrew and Peter. They looked just as confused but for a split-second Cass saw something else there, fear.

"We're your rejects, stupid boy." The man chuckled and Cass was confused. This place didn't reject anyone, they were a haven for everyone unless they were dangerous or bitten. Even in the past they had homed a bitten person so they could have a peaceful death and she glanced to Peter and Andrew expectantly. They were sheet white.

"You've got it crossed; we don't deny anyone. Only bitten and risky." Cass spoke up and eyed them over. Maybe they were simply confused, starvation and dehydration would do that to people. These people looked fed though, she couldn't understand it. Most of them sported knives, machete type weapons along with a splattering of guns handed out amongst them.

"Ask him." The man ahead jerked his head towards Peter who was standing and watching, his face had grown ashen and Cass raised an eyebrow, she wasn't the only one staring at him. He had to have some sort of explanation, a flat denial of their accusations. There was nothing though. He was simply silent in his moment and it spoke sirens call for what he had done.

"I'll tell you what, we're good people. We even cleared a bunch of dead guys for you in the area, we'll give you a day to figure out what you want to do. Don't worry, we'll come back. In fact, we might just stay here the night. Don't go too far." The man chuckled and signalled to the others to stand down as they started to retreat a safe distance. All eyes moved to Peter.

"Council meeting, now." Jay ground out with a terse voice Cass hadn't really heard him use before. She nodded and the watchers on the gates started to usher people back into their homes, doing the routine of 'there's nothing to see here, folks'. There was everything to see and Cass followed Jay down to the community hall, clearing everyone out of the cafeteria area as everyone took a seat.

"You've got some explaining to do." Andrew started as all eyes turned to Pete who sat at the head of the table.

"I found them, a group of them. They were sick, I thought they'd been bitten or something and were hiding it. They had this shabby little smallholding, there were five of us and we didn't think they would make it. They said they wanted a community but our stockpiles for winter are already bad, we didn't think we could take anymore mouths to feed. I did it for the Community." Pete said, his voice even but his eyes looked away in shame and disgust for himself. He knew he'd made a mistake, Cass figured as she watched him shift slightly in his chair. She drew in a deep breath but Andrew spoke up before she could ask her own questions,

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