Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"Where did you even go?" Claire screeched when Oliver began driving off again.

"Feeding," Michael replied breathlessly despite not needing to breathe.

Shane looked disgusted. "You didn't bring any blood bags with you?"

"Didn't think," Michael admitted, and looked sorry for it.

"So... do I dare ask where you managed to feed?" Claire dared ask, despite her not really wanting to know the answer.

"Yes. Now sit back and shut up. We'll be in Durram soon and I need to calm down." ordered Oliver.

The rest of the ride – 20 minutes of it in fact - went fairly calmly. No one spoke. Heavy breathing could be heard from Shane. Claire felt like she was holding her own breath, as though subconsciously waiting for something bad to happen. Well, she thought, it wouldn't be the first time.

"Hey," Claire tapped Shane on the shoulder. He side-eyed her with a tired but angered expression. "You okay?"

"No." he said. "They," He pointed to the backs of Michael and Oliver. "Could have gotten us killed." He ran his fingers through his hair, like he did when he was agitated. "All because they couldn't remember to pack pre-bottled blood!" His obvious horror at this made Claire feel worse. If it wasn't for her, they wouldn't be in this mess. Logically speaking.

"Will you please just drop it? We need to get to Durram without any more hassle and the way you're going we won't succeed," Michael snapped from the passenger seat, causing a glare from Oliver. He rubbed his temples, signalling that he had some kind of vampire headache. 

"Remind me why I can't just drink you three dry right now?" he asked quietly. He had a terrifying ability to throw his voice even when he didn't try.

"Chill, dude," said Shane. He sighed. "I'm dropping it. But for next time, please remember. So we're not left in the car some place in the middle of the fricking night ready to be killed." He sagged againt the seat and rested his head on Claire's shoulder. A few moments later, his eyes closed.

Michael turned in his seat to face the front. Eve – who had had her eyes shut the whole time through the argument – decided to open her eyes. She cast a wary glance at Claire who smiled weakly.

They realised they'd arrived in Durram before the battered looking "Welcome To Durram" sign came into view.

"Woah, what the hell?" Shane gasped.

The shops that were broken and almost derelict before, were now practically non existant as fires had been badly extinguished.

The roads were covered in obstacles, consisting of car parts that led to the only garage left in the small town. All the shops that had been open before were now boarded up with "Closed" signs plastered all over the windows and doors.

And the smell...

"Jeez," exclaimed Shane. "What the hell happened here? You think we got here too late?" Oliver pulled in front of the only building left still standing. Just about. The library.

"You guys stay here, I'm going to check the area." Oliver motioned for Claire, Eve and Shane to stay put in the car but Shane had already stepped out and was walking alongside with Michael. Oliver rolled his eyes impatiently but didn't demand he stay. Eve looked at Claire worriedly. They both went after Shane before they were left totally alone.

"You scared?" Eve hissed to Claire as they walked arm in arm behind the others. The front doors weren't open and no lights were on, which didn't look promising.

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