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Hi Guys! Here's the first chapter of my first story ever. Don't forget to vote and comment if you like it!😊                                   

Happy reading!

Editor: Hey guys! Most of you have never seen this, huh? I got extremely bored with it, so I took a hiatus from this one to work on my other works. Now I'm trying to edit and republish this one. 

Thoughts: What was I even thinking? This was SO cringe-y. Everything needed to change asap. 

I look around the room that I had lived in for three years before wheeling out my suitcase. I won't be too sad, but I have gotten oddly attached to the room. It's pretty childish, I suppose, but the thing I'd miss most was the painting on the wall. It's gorgeous. Somehow the painter had perfectly captured the effect of sunlight shining through a stained glass window. 

Ok, Ally. Let's go.   

So I went, pulling my suitcase along with me. 

The Andersons were pretty nice; much better than some other houses I'd been fostered in; but I think in the end, they'd wanted a much younger kid. Anyways, they can have the child. I'm leaving this time, not being removed. I've had my name down in the Elardian Academy for Academics and Athletics since I was a kid. My agency put the names of its wards down in any one of a list of schools when they like, I don't know, get the kid? (look, i have no idea how the acquisition of children for adoption works, ok?)

A teacher or dean from the new school is supposed to come pick me up at eleven-ish. I looked at the large grandfather clock just in front of the staircase landing. 10:48.

I plop down on the plush sofa in the living room. Welp, nothing bad can be said about the Andersons' decor. It's rather tasteful, actually. The living room is themed red and white, with wooden furnishings and golden accents.

Mrs. Anderson waddled in. She is a portly little thing, with worry lines etched in her forehead. Both of them look rather similar, actually. I mean the Andersons. 

"Hello, Allegra. All packed and ready?"

I nodded and smiled good-naturedly. "Yes, ma'am."

"Oh, you needn't call me ma'am. You know, I think I'll miss having you around the house."

I nodded again. They'd never mistreated me, the Andersons'. They're quite good as people, if just a little too busy to properly look after a kid. To be very honest, I realized that I'd miss them too. Mr. Anderson with his good-natured humour and Mrs. Anderson with her doting (at times) worrywart behaviour.  

I hear a vehicle pull into the driveway and glance at the clock. 11:00. 

Hmm. Perfectly on time. Nice.

I hurry to the door. 

Framed in the open doorway is a young, tall, and willowy lady in a white shirt and dark blue jeans. She has large, brown, almond-shaped eyes with an upwards tilt. Her skin looked pale golden, like honey, but bronzer. Her face is swathed in lustrous cascades of dark, black hair, darker than the night. "Hello," she says in a melodious voice. "I presume you are Allegra Lockwood?" 

"Y-yes" I say. Oh my god, did I have to stutter? "Ally is fine."

"Alright, Ms. Lockwood."

 "Ooookay," I mutter, "I guess Ms. Lockwood's fine, too."

 The woman smiled warmly and held out a hand. 

"I'm Sierra Eldermore. I need to give the papers to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. Would you be a dear and fetch them?" 


I pop my head around the corner. "Hey, Mrs. Anderson, she needs to give you the paperwork."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that."

She waddles to the doorway and cordially greets Ms. Eldermore. I decide to move my luggage closer to the door while they chatted about where to sign and yada-yada.

As I carry my stuff down the staircase, I hear another one of my friends following me. 

"Hey, Jacob."

He huffs, probably straightening his butlers' uniform. "I'll load those into that woman's van." 

I reach the bottom of the stairs and turn around to see that Jacob had brought the other case down with him. I smiled wide in gratitude. Jacob had been one of my best friends in the house. I'd miss him.

We lug my bags to Eldermore's shiny chrome van and load it into the back. I scrutinize the inside of the van. 


It seems too spacious for only one person. Perhaps Eldermore's collecting more kids.

I hear Eldermore's footsteps before I see her. "Well, little girl," says Jacob. "I guess this is it."

"I suppose it is, big brother. Call, won't you?"

"Of course I will." I opened my mouth and Jacob tipped his head back. "And yes, of COURSE I'll tell Collette you'll miss her even though I can't stand her."

"Suuure, Jacob. Of COURSE you can't stand her."

"Ok, shut up, BYE!"

"Good BYE, Jacob, and fare thee well," I said with an elaborate curtsy. 

Then I realised Eldermore was watching us and slunk into the van.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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The Castle~ Heir of Calyrix Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now