Chapter 4 - Chasin' You

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Memphis's POV
I bring my guitar and notebook to Hardy's tour bus along with some lunch that my mom was so kind to make for me and the boys.

I knock on Hardy's door and he lets me inside. Morgan is sitting on the couch, quietly tuning his guitar.

"Hey babe. Whatcha got there? It smells really good," Morgan asks. I roll my eyes.

"My momma's homemade chicken pot pie and biscuits. And don't call me babe." I mutter as I quietly open one of the containers of chicken pot pie.

"Wow. That smells great. I might need to meet your momma, Memphis." Hardy says as he snatches a biscuit out of the container.

"Hardy, what are you doin? Don't eat anything. We haven't prayed yet," I say, smacking Hardy as he takes a bite out of his biscuit.

"Man, it's been a while since I prayed before a meal." Hardy whispers. Morgan nods.

"Me too,"

"Really?" I ask. The boys both nod. "Well, we're prayin' today so no arguing,"

I set the food in front of both of the boys and myself before folding my hands to pray.

When we're done praying, Morgan and Hardy start digging in to their food.

"I never realized how much I missed your momma's cooking, Memphis. It's so good," Morgan says. Hardy nods.

"I have to agree with Morgan on that one. Your momma's food is amazing, Memphis."

"Thanks. I'll be sure to tell her that tonight," I say with a smile as I take a bite of my chicken pot pie.

"You know, I was thinking." Morgan says.

"Don't hurt yourself," I comment, cutting off Morgan's sentence.

Hardy laughs and Morgan sighs in annoyance before continuing.

"Anyways, maybe I could sing that duet song with you." Morgan suggests. I laugh.

"No way. I'm not singin' somethin with you," I say.

"But why? I'm a good singer," Morgan asks. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah. And? That doesn't mean that I want to sing somethin with you,"

"Please, Memphis. I think Morgan would do great singing your song," Hardy begs. I sigh.

"Fine. I'll let Morgan sing with me," I mutter.

Morgan cheers and grabs his guitar.

"Can I see the song so I can learn the chords?" Morgan asks.

I grab my notebook and hand it to Morgan. Morgan opens it to the song and begins playing the different chords. He hums the tune of the song as he does so.

"Okay. You ready to do this?" He asks. Morgan and Hardy both look over at me. I sigh and nod.

"Yeah. Let's do this,"

Morgan's POV
Towards the end of the song, Memphis and I lean close to each other to sing the last stanza. I'm close enough to kiss her and I would have if it weren't for Hardy saying something.

"And cut. That was great you two. I'm gonna send this over to Big Loud records and see what they have to say," Hardy says with a smile.

Memphis and I stare into each other's eyes and I get lost in her beautiful brown eyes. Man, oh man, is she beautiful.

Memphis's POV
I look into Morgan's deep blue eyes and I can't tear my eyes away from him. The urge to kiss him only a few seconds ago is still going strong.

Those buckle bunnies might be onto something. Morgan Wallen's hot and his singing voice sounds like angels sent down from heaven.

Dang it, I might be madly in love with this boy.

Morgan's POV
"Hey guys! You alive?" Hardy calls, snapping Memphis and I out of our trance.

"What? Yeah. We're good," I mutter.

"Okay. If you want, Memphis, you can stay here until I hear back from Big Loud records." Hardy offers. Memphis shrugs.

"Sure. I can stay,"

"Awesome. You guys want to do anything while we wait?"

"Not really. I mean, I could just sit here and talk." Memphis replies.

"Yeah. I'm okay with that too," I add.

Hardy eyes me and I try not to make eye contact with him.

"So, Memphis, how did you and Morgan meet?" Hardy asks. Memphis's cheeks flush.

"Well, Morgan had just moved to Knoxville and he had the locker right next to mine. We introduced ourselves to each other and I offered to be his friend," she explains. Hardy smiles.

"That's nice. And you two hung out a lot together, didn't ya?"

"Yep. We were inseparable," Memphis adds with a smile.

"Do you still hate me?" I whisper, looking over at Memphis. Memphis looks at me and sighs.

"No. I'm not. I guess I was acting stupid about all this, wasn't I?" She asks. I shrug.

"You sort of were bein' a bit extreme," I reply. Memphis smacks my arm.

"You're a jerk, Morgan."

Hardy chuckles, a big smile on his face.

"I'm glad you two finally made up," he says.

Just then, Hardy's phone begins to ring. Hardy's eyes grow wide when he sees who it is.

"It's Big Loud records," he says.

Memphis's eyes grow wide and her hand lays on my thigh. I look over at her and she pulls her hand away, her cheeks burning red.

Memphis and I watch Hardy talk on the phone. When he's done, he sets his phone on the couch and Memphis and I stare at him.

"Well? What'd they say?" Memphis asks.

"They told me that... you're signed! You're going to Nashville. You start next Tuesday," Hardy replies.

Memphis squeals and gives me a hug. Then she runs over and gives Hardy a hug.

"Thank you so much, Hardy. This wouldn't be possible without you," Memphis says. She runs back over to me and gives me another hug. "And you too, I guess."

I didn't even care about her comment at the end because I was just happy to be getting a hug from her after so long.

"How about a celebratory shot," Hardy says, grabbing the bottle of Jack Daniels out of his cupboard.

He pours whiskey into three different shot glasses and hands Memphis and I one each. We all clink glasses and dump the shots down our throats.

The burning sensation makes it all worth it. Memphis is gonna be a country singer and she's not mad at me anymore.

That's two good things all in one day.

Maybe I can get her to fall in love with me in two days. Doubtful, but always worth a try.

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