What an Awful Mistake

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Tim stood there in the door for a few moments, contemplating what the hell he was supposed to say to that. He felt as if his world had been spiraling out of control all after that night Rita announced she was retiring.

"You don't have to elaborate on it!" Rita said quickly, face flushed. "I'm sure you were just really drunk and... didn't know what you were saying." Tim wondered if he should set her straight and tell the truth. Surely, It'd be liberating. But, then again, looking into her pained expression, he was sure it wasn't a good idea. She was probably begging internally for him to just go along with it and leave her be so that she could go on living without this on her conscience.

Please say it's true... Please, so that I don't have to lie to myself anymore, Rita thought at Tim, willing her eyes not to tear up.

Tim found it extremely hard to make eye contact with her in that moment. 

Instead of answering her, he mumbled, "This is why I don't like to drink." Shouldering past her, Tim finally let the tears that had been welling up in his eyes slip down his face before quickly wiping them away. It didn't matter; Rita didn't say anything or even look at him. She just decided to let him leave.

Tim found his car parked neatly in their driveway, something he assumed either Rita or Moby had done for him the previous night; knowing his few experiences with drunk driving, he was sure that this parking job hadn't been his work. 

What was I thinking? Tim asked himself harshly. I have a few pints and then I come marching in here and fuck everything up. What is wrong with me? He jostled his key into the car lock and managed to get the door open, realizing his hands were shaking. More tears slipped out of his eyes and he wiped those away just as quickly as the last ones. I need to get out of here and never come back. She doesn't want me in her life, and she doesn't need to hear from me what her husband's been doing... I don't think I can bear to see her reaction, anyways.

Tim reached for the seatbelt, and when he did, he saw Rita standing on the porch of Moby's lavish house, watching him go, and suddenly it was all too much for him. He stepped on the gas hard. I need to go... can't see me cry... His mind garbled, as the car wheels screeched on the pavement. Tears began rushing down Tim's cheeks as he drove. Some part of his mind was half aware that driving while crying this heavily was likely extremely unsafe, but he kept on, forcing himself to keep driving, or else he might turn around and rush back, unable to let Rita go.

By the time Tim reached his apartment complex, he had calmed down a bit, though he still stayed in the parking lot for a little while to let his face go back to normal. Finally, he headed back into the building, making sure to stop by the complex's laundry room to throw his pants from the night before into the wash; hopefully it would wash away the embarrassing memory as well, though Tim didn't linger on that for long, as his sadness returned. It was hard to believe that, after years of working together, Rita was just going to completely leave his life, just like that.

Tim made his way up to his apartment and sat down heavily on his couch. He pulled out his flip phone and stared at the keypad. All there was left to do now was to call into work and tell them he'd found the embezzler, and that was it. Tim wondered if, with Rita gone, he'd even want to work there anymore. he knew that if he did, it would be practically joyless without her. 

How long before I finally get over you, Rita? Tim wondered. 

Taking in a breath, he dialed the number and waited, holding the breath, for his boss to pick up. "Hello, this is Seattle Daily Publishing Co., how may I help you?" Tim held the breath and didn't say anything. "Hello...? Is this another damn kid, because if it is-" Tim interrupted, surprising even himself: "Ben, I... I found the embezzler. We did it." Shocked silence, then an answer. 

"Tim? Are you fucking with me...?" "No. Me and Rita checked the bank, and... w-we found him. It's Moby Coldsteele, and I can fax you the evidence." Ben didn't speak for another moment. "...Tim, that's- that's fantastic! You and Rita are fucking gems, you know that? You two are a pair like I've never seen. Now go fax me that evidence, and tonight let's hit Tony's for a pint, on me. Christ, with the money this article is gonna make me, I should be paying for the whole bar!" 

Ben's hearty laughter was cut off when he hung up. Tim sat there for another moment and let out the breath he'd been holding in. Now it was over.

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