Yet Another Disapointment

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Sadly, the real estate broker turned out to be a dead end. The guy was completely clean. What Rita had found sketchy had been the fact that he had been late paying his taxes for months now, but as it turned out, this was because he was stuck trying to pay medical bills for his mother, who was sick with cancer. One awkward apology later, and Tim and Rita were right back to square one.
"God, it's like there's something we're not seeing. Like... something we're missing," Rita scowled later that afternoon. The two had decided to call it a day and get a drink at the local bar to clear their minds. Well, not clear their minds, so much as fuzzy them enough to clear the memory of the awful day they'd had.
"Yes, that thing we're missing being a lead," Tim pointed out. Rita just gave him a shrug and took a long swig of her bourbon. Tim sighed and retreated to his thoughts, trying to think of anything suspicious that could lead to their embezzler. Rita was kind of right, maybe something was missing. But to Tim it felt like there was something blocking them from finding the truth. He could almost see it's shadow, dimming their case and shrouding its details in a haze of mystery; a haze so almost tangible Tim thought if he reached out he could maybe just touch it.
The truth has to be right under our noses. I can feel it. But how do we uncover it?
Rita's voice broke through Tim's thoughts; "Hey, Tim. There's something I've been meaning to tell you... something I probably should have told you sooner." Tim felt his heartbeat quicken and almost completely forgot everything he'd been thinking of previously. Could she really be confessing what he thought, no, hoped, she was? "Er- yes?" He said hesitantly, almost not daring to breathe.
Rita let out a breath, like she was about to tell him she had six days left to live, or something. "Me and Moby... We're getting married. You knew that. But, well, what I didn't tell you was..." She trailed off, searching for words. Tim leaned forward without realizing it. "Well, when I marry him, I'm going to be retiring," She said, not making eye contact.
Tim, flabbergasted, just stared into her eyes, which were cast downward, looking into her drink. "Y-you what?" He managed.
Rita finally looked up and searched his gaze, not surprised to find pain and rejection there. Tim looked away quickly. "Yes. Perhaps I should explain. I've been feeling a bit dissatisfied with work lately. I've enjoyed the thrills of this job, and I've enjoyed being your partner, for sure, but I'm tired. I think I want to settle down. This... this case will be my last," She finished, before returning her gaze to her drink.
Tim swallowed hard, a painful lump sitting in his throat. She was really getting married, and even worse, she'd be leaving forever. Rita and Tim were work colleagues, and good friends, but that was really it. Once married, Rita would probably want to be left alone by her past. She'd want to stay with her husband, get a nice house somewhere, and probably have some kids of her own. Tim's part in her life would surely come to a close.
"I understand," He said after a bit of a pause. "I get being tired. This job is exhausting at times and... I get if you want to go be happy with Moby." Tim was surprised at how well he was keeping his composure. Rita glanced back up at him hopefully. "You're really fine with it?" She asked. Tim nodded solemnly. "I... care about you a lot. I'll just put it that way," He sighed. "If you're happy, I'm happy." He feigned a smile, hoping it didn't look as forced as it felt.
It must have worked, though, because Rita smiled, relief lighting her face like daylight. Tim caught himself staring into her eyes and had to look away.
"Hey, maybe to celebrate we have a couple drinks at your apartment?" Rita said suddenly. Tim looked up. "You sure? Would Moby be fine with that?" Rita rolled her eyes. "He's not controlling like that. Anyways, what would he even have to worry about?" She added as she stood up and took a final drink from her glass. Tim felt himself frowning at her comment and tried to keep his face neutral. "Er, yeah, right. We can go back to my place if you want," He replied before standing as well.
He left a tip for the bartender and Rita led the way out of the restaurant. It will be nice to have a drink at my place, He told himself. It will probably be the last time... But it will be nice. He kept this going through his mind while Rita waved down a taxi. It will be nice, and not terrible or depressing at all.

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