The Bar

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Tim decided he might as well get wasted. With Ben there, he was less likely to make another astonishingly stupid fuckup like he had the other night.

"Who's idea was it to fake being FBI agents to get the bank records, again? I'm no snitch, but I wanna know," Ben asked Tim after they'd ordered. "Rita," Tim murmured. "Yeah, I should have known. She was a wildcard, that one. Really is too bad she's retiring," Ben sighed. "Did she ever tell you why she wanted to retire?" He asked. Tim looked over at him, confused. "She didn't tell you? She's getting married to Moby Coldsteele. Which really sucks because of the whole embezzling thing but..." He trailed off and shrugged. 

"Shit. I wonder if she'll break up with him 'cuzza that?" Ben said. Tim sighed. "I don't know, but I doubt she'll wanna come back to work. She said she wants to settle down, and knowing her, she'll do that with or without Moby." Ben looked puzzled. "I can't believe she wants to get married to him though..." "Well it's not like she knows he's the embezzler, not yet, anyway," Tim reasoned. Ben shook his head. "Not that, I always just... Well this'll sound silly now..." He trailed off, chuckling. The bar tender placed two beers in front of them and a basket of fries, and Tim took one and chewed it halfheartedly.

"You always just what?" He asked. "I won't think it's silly." Ben took a swig of beer and chuckled again. "Well, you know... I always kinda thought she liked you. I mean, you two are like two peas in a pod. It's hard for me to believe she wants to leave that behind." Tim perked up. "You... thought she liked me?" He asked, incredulous.

"Yeah," Ben said, half laughing. "What's with that look?" 

"Ben, you gotta know, I've been in love with Rita for years... I'd know if she felt the same..." Even then, Tim's voice was filled with doubt. Now it was Ben's turn to give him a crazy look. "Tim... You can't let her get away. Have you told her you love her?" 

"Well... Not really, no," Tim sighed. "But come on, man. She's engaged to a handsome, rich, powerful man. She won't want anything to do with me and my five hundred square foot apartment..." 

Ben punched him in the shoulder, only slightly harder than a normal friendly punch. "Tim, shut the fuck up. You need to go to her house right now and tell her everything. I don't care if it's shocking; she needs to know how you feel. If she tells you to fuck off, you come right back here with the right to drink away your pain." Tim frowned at him. "Hey, man, what the hell do you mean the right? If you knew the night I had last night you wouldn't be saying I don't have the right to do shit." Ben put his hand over Tim's, which was clenched into a fist on the bar top.

"Go, Tim." Tim frowned at him for a bit longer. He was probably right, but there was no use denying the simple fact that Tim was scared. It was one thing to lose the love of your life and be able to tell yourself that it just didn't work out or that it wasn't the right time. It was a whole other thing to be rejected completely by someone Tim loved as much as Rita. And what would she say about Moby? It would surely all be too much for her. Although, Ben's gaze was reassuring. Maybe it would be good to have closure after all. 

Tim stood up, taking a breath. "Alright... Okay, I'll do it. But remember, you're paying." Ben just grinned at him. Cheap bastard is just hoping I don't come back so he won't have to pay my tab, Tim thought. He shakily walked to his car, keys gripped in his fist, making his palms sweat.

Here goes nothing, He thought, opening the door.

Rita's and Moby's house was only a short drive from the bar, and since this time Tim was sober, it only took a few minutes before the lavish, midcentury modern townhouse came into view, it's flashy lights seeming cold and harsh against the dark city sky. Tim's heart was pounding and his stomach felt hollow and cramped. He pulled neatly into their driveway and tried to pull in a deep breath.

That was when he noticed something; Rita was coming out of the doorway. She stared at his car, expression unreadable, and Tim saw that Moby was standing behind her looking forlorn. 

Rita stood for a few moments, the two staring at each other, before she came slowly down the walkway to Tim's car, then to his window. Tim hoped she couldn't see how nervous and confused he was as he rolled down the window.

"Tim-" Rita started, before immediately stopping awkwardly. Tim gave a nervous chuckle. "Um... What are you doing out here?" He asked her, internally facepalming because she could easily ask the same thing. "I... I'm leaving Moby," Rita admitted. Tim, shocked, wondered if Rita had found out the news before he could tell her. "You... what?" He managed.

Rita looked at him meaningfully, like there was something she wanted to say but it was stuck in her throat. "Yeah. But... why are you here?" Tim realized he needed to tell her now. There would not be a good time to do it, especially considering the news she'd just dropped on him.

"About that... Rita, listen, I-I found the embezzler. The bank records really were as useful as you thought they'd be," He began. Rita actually looked happy. "Really? That's awesome! Who is it?" Tim scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact in an almost comic display of awkwardness. "Well, that's- ...that's what the problem is..." He sighed. "It's Moby. His charity organization is a front."

Rita looked surprised, but not as surprised as he was expecting she would be. "Oh... Shit." "Yeah," Tim sighed again. "Well, for the record, that's not why I broke up with him..." She murmured, staring at the ground with a particular interest. Tim tilted his head a bit. Rita continued, "But I'm... I'm not super shocked. I think Moby has some issues. We just weren't meant to be." 

That reminded Tim of the other thing he'd come here to do, and he felt his heart drop a little. It was now or never, he decided.

"Um, listen, Rita... That's not the only thing I came here to tell you. The truth is..." He took a deep breath, Rita staring at him with that same unreadable expression.

"I love you," Tim said.

"I've... loved you for years, in fact. I never said anything because I always assumed it was unrequited, but I have to tell you. I can't go on with my life until I get over you, and I can't get over you unless I know for sure it wouldn't have worked out..." He paused, looking cautiously into her gaze. She didn't say anything. "So... Go on. Tell me. Tell me it wouldn't have worked... Tell me you only ever saw me as a coworker... Tell me..." He stopped, voice catching. "Tell me that night meant nothing... that we were just-"

Tim was cut off when Rita leaned into the car window, took his face in her hands, and kissed him. He was overcome by shock at first, but quickly got over it, kissing her back. After a few moments, she pulled away, love in her gaze. "I'm sorry, Tim... I've been avoiding my feelings for so long because I was afraid. I wanted to be safe with Moby, but these past few days have shown me that I just can't marry him. It's always been you." 

Tim felt as if his heart was going to overflow. He opened the car door and stepped out, and they kissed once more. "Come on," Rita said when they stopped. "Drive us somewhere. Let's get out of here." So, they got in, Tim driving and Rita in the passenger seat, and Tim drove to his apartment. This all felt like a dream, and he willed himself to never wake up; Rita really did love him back.

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