Chapter 1

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Sarah POV

What a gorgeous day to relax as the birds chirp a beautiful tone, and the children play around in the grass while I sit down under a tree reading a romance book in a blue elegant dress. I wanted to stay and relax while enjoying my day; however, nothing goes according to plan. While reading my book, I heard the clock tower charm which made me look up at my book to see it's already midnight. I sigh

'I was really enjoying my day.' I thought to my self sadly, I marked my spot in the book before heading home. When I got home ( I still live with my parents), everyone was sitting at the dining table with a random man that looked familiar.

"Sarah your back" My dad said happily as my family looked at me smiling

"Look who came back from New York." The man stand up and turned around to face me which I became shock to see who it was.

"Peter!" I said shocked happily, I was vey happy to see him after almost a year being in New York. Peter and I have been dating for almost four years; especially, since I beat the labyrinth almost four years ago. Peter lives with his mom and twin little sisters in a mansion being wealthy, and wasn't happy to bring up about his dad. 

"Miss me babe?" Peter asked happily as he walks towards me

"Of course I miss you..." We hugged and did a quick kiss before separating

"But what are you doing back here"?  I asked confused

"I solved my family issue in New York, and came back to have a return welcome party along with my birthday part." Peter replied happily

"Peter that's amazing! It's so amazing!" I said happily as we hugged again, then we separated as Peter said

"Wonderful, also I got presents for you."

"You do?" I asked curious 

"Of course, and one of them is in your room. I hope you wear it to the party, but other then that I have to take my leave. See at my party, Sarah." Peter replied happily before giving me a kiss on the forehead and leave, then I went to my room to see what he got me. When I opened the door to my room, I immediately became uncomfortable with what I saw in the middle of my room.

 When I opened the door to my room, I immediately became uncomfortable with what I saw in the middle of my room

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It was too much for me; especially, since it shows too much skin if worn. I carefully put it away my closet, then I heard my dad shouted


"Coming!" I shouted back before heading back down stairs, and saw my family in the living room with a box beside my dad. I got confused while stepping closer, and curious to find out who it's from.

"Sarah, you got a secret admire." My dad said confused 

"A secret admire?" I said confused

"Yes, your secret admire sent you this box and a letter." My dad replied as he hand me the letter. I opened the letter and read it out loud for them to hear.

"Dear Sarah,

                            I'm giving you this present as a reminder of our last meeting, since I miss you after all these years after you left me and my people. My heart sinks every time I think about you, but I hope we see each other again.


                                                                             Secret Admire" I was surprised that I have a secret admire, but was also confused on who this would be. I looked at my family to see that they were also confused, but my dad looked at me and asked.

"Well, do you need help getting the box to your room?" 

"Yeah, I think I d..." 

"Wait..." Toby said shock which got our attention

"Where did it go"?! We all looked and immediately became shock to see the box gone, but we just brush it off and went our ways. Once I open the door to my room, I became shock to see a white sheet covering something in the middle of my room. I was confused as I walked over to it, grab the sheet, and pulled it off. When the sheet was off, I was amazed to what was under it.

I was so amazed of how beautiful it is, and was also amazed that it had my name on top of the mirror as a crest

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I was so amazed of how beautiful it is, and was also amazed that it had my name on top of the mirror as a crest. I looked around my room to figure out where to put it, then in the corner of my eye I saw the mirror glow flash golden. I turned around to look at my self in the mirror, and became speechless to find my reflection in a gorgeous dress.

 I turned around to look at my self in the mirror, and became speechless to find my reflection in a gorgeous dress

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I wish I could wear it, then all of a sudden; my reflection turned into a small sparkly golden orb. The orb came out of the mirror, and swirl around me from head to toe making the dress appear on me. I looked at my outfit shockley, then twirl around admiring the dress.

"Sarah!" Shouted my dad

"Coming!" I shout back, I need to figure out how I'm going to remove this dress. The orb reappeared, and went from toe to head removing the dress before going back into the mirror. I went down stairs, and stopped at the bottom step to see my family looking at me all dressed up.

"Where are you guys going?" I asked confused

"We're going to help Peter and his family get ready for the party tomorrow night. We'll be back around midnight." My dad replied happily

"Okay." I replied happily, then we said our goodbyes before they left. I went back to my room, and put the mirror beside my dresser before heading to bed early. 

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