Chapter 2

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??? POV

Sleep well Sarah, so we will meet sooner then you think.

Sarah POV

I opened my eyes to find my self in a black room on a bed with light over me, and cover my eyes for a moments as I sat up. I looked around with my hand down being confused since I was in my room, then looked at the darkest corner of the room to see a shadow figure. I faced it and asked confused

"Who are you?" Then I heard the figure chuckle which sound familiar

"Hehehe...oh I think you know who I am...Sarah." When it said my name, I was shocked to hear  his voice.

"J-Jareth?!" I replied shockley, he stepped out of the darkness. I became speechless by his appearance, since he is shirtless and is only wearing tight pants.

"Oh, so you do remember?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I remember a evil king who kidnapped my brother."

"Ok one, I didn't kidnapped him; you wished him away, and second, that was four years ago precious. Also by the way, you look stunning."

"What do you..." I looked at my out fit to see that I wasn't in my pajamas anymore.

" I looked at my out fit to see that I wasn't in my pajamas anymore

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"H-How...w-what...I-I.." I couldn't get my words out

"Your speechless..." I looked at him

"Are you precious". Jareth started walking towards me, then I faced him and put my hand up and commanded.

"Jareth stop!" He stopped a couple of steps away as his smile faded, then gave me an eyebrow raise while I moved back a bit.

"What do you want from me?" I asked concern, Jareth looked at me shocked for a moment, then started to chuckle as he lowered his head, put his fingers at the brim of his nose while his other hand was on his hip. When he stopped chuckling, he raised his head with his hand on his chin tapping his finger as he looked at me surprised.

"Oh precious, you haven't figure it out. Do you~." Jareth said smoothly as he put his hand down from his chin, I got confused.

"What do you..."

"You know what I mean Sarah, and by the way; that gown looks a little bit like...the other dress I gave you." My eyes widen as I froze

"Y-Your...m-my...m-my..." Jareth opened his arms out like it was obvious

"I'm your secret admire sweetheart." Jareth replied calmly, I was shocked. I lowered my head and asked

"W-Why me?"

"Because Sarah..." I jumped as I looked at the foot of the bed to see Jareth leaning against it with his arms and legs crossed.

"I thought you remembered my words back when you were in my castle". I lowered my head, faced away, and started to think, then said softly

"Just fear me..." Jareth crawls behind me

"Love me..." Jareth put his hand around my waist, pulled me closer so my back is touching his chest, and whispered in my ear.

"Do as I say and I will be your slave". After he said that, I felt him move his hand down my leg and felt his warm breath on my neck. I gasped when he moved his hand under the dress, which made me know what he was planning to do.

"J-Jareth stop..." I said softly as I grabbed his arm, he moved his head back and looked at me.

"I-I have a boyfriends Jareth, and I would rather do 'it' with..."

"Peter Anderson". Jareth interrupted unhappy, I immediately froze and turned around to see him unpleased to say his name.

"Y-You know hi...h-how do you..."

"He's not who you think he is Sarah". Jareth interrupted as he looks at me seriously, I got off the bed and took a step back while asking straddled.

"W-What do you mean?" Jareth lowered his head a little, closed his eyes, sigh, then looked at me softly and explains.

"Peter and I got way back to childhood days..." Jareth put his feet on the floor so his sitting at the edge of the bed unhappy, I got concerned and move closer to the foot of the bed as Jareth continues.

"We were like brothers from another mother that would tell each other everything, take blames for each other, risk our lives for one another, and even help each other. However, everything changed ever since 'that' day." Jareth said the last sentence in an angry and unpleasant tone which sent chills down my spin, then I moved a bit closer as Jareth looked at me softly as I asked

"What day?" Jareth looked away, sigh, got on the bed facing the foot of the bed as I sat at the edge of the bed looking at him worried, then he looked at me and replied calmly.

"The day he killed my mother." I gasp sharply and faced him while saying not believing him

"Y-Your kidding right? P-Peter is the sweeties person I've ever meet..." As I was talking, Jareth looked away, put his fingers at the brim of his nose as he lowers his head.

"He would never kill anyone, he cares for people. He's sweet, kind, smart, and even protects the people he loves". Jareth chuckled which made me confused as I looked at him

"What's so funny?" I asked confused, Jareth looked at me like I haven't figure it out.

"He never told you, did he?!" Jareth asked seriously

"T-Told me what?" I asked a bit scared, Jareth took a deep breath, looked at me softly, then replied as he put his hand om mine.

"Sara, he isn't human..." I looked at him more scared


"He's a werewolf precious". I became shocked

"N-No y-your lying..." I was about to move away; until, Jareth grabbed my wrist which took me by surprise. I looked at my wrist, then looked at Jareth to see him serious. I got scared a bit by his look, and struggled to get out of his grip.

"L-Let go of me Jareth." I told him unhappy, but instead of letting go. He magically pulled me on between his legs laying on his chest as he laid at the head board.

"Precious..." I turn my head to look at him as he looks at me softly

"I would never lie to you, I know that you still don't trust me because of what happen in the past..." I looked away and lower my head as I remember what happened four years ago

"But let me ask you something precious..." Jareth lower his head to my ear and whispered asking

"Has Peter ever told you the truth?" I gasp shockley

'Peter has been lying to me this whole time? N-No he would never lie to me...would he?' I thought to me self 

"What do you mean?" Jareth softly sigh, wrapped one arm around my waist while putting his other hand on my shoulder to guide me laying down on his chest, then use the same hand to cover my eyes before I felt like I in a different room.

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