Chapter 4

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Sarah POV

"Long ago, my family and I got invited to a birthday party of Peter's little twin sisters. His sisters were always happy and cheerful, and the party was amazing. Until, everyone heard my mother scream which made everyone stop. My father and I ran to the side of Peter's home with everyone behind us, and what I saw made me heart broken. Peter was in his wolf form while standing over my mother's dead body, but my father was not having it and turn to look at Peter's father. My father told his dad that he should die for killing my mother, and by surprise so did everyone else except his mother and sisters. (They were speechless) His father walked over to Peter's side and stand beside him facing my father, then told him no because Peter didn't do anything wrong to do this. Everyone gasp sharply in shock while me, Peter's mother, and sisters looked at him with our 'what' face. I looked at Peter to see him looking at his father broken hearted for putting him in that situation, then my father went all out on him saying that my mother didn't do anything to deserve this. Peter's father replied that crossed the line, and made everyone heart broken at his reason."

"What did he say?" I asked softly as we looked at each other

"My mother should've choose him over my father when she had the chance." Jareth replied unhappy, I was heart broken to hear that as well. We lay back down before Jareth continued

"My father snapped and used his demonic vampire power to attack Peter's father; however, Peter jumped in front and some how back fire the attack which caught my father off guard. Then..." Jareth stopped, and took a uneasy deep breath. I raise my head to look at him, and became shock to see tears going down his cheeks.

"Jareth" I said softly as I sat up and put my hands on his cheeks to whip away his tears which made him look at me, then I kiss his forehead before moving out from between his legs and sat beside him. Jareth then laid on my chest with my arms around him for comfort, and took uneasy deep breaths before continuing. 

"He...killed my father, and I was destroyed at that moments when I just witness the death of my own father right in front of me. At that moment, it unleash my demonic vampire powers that was more powerful then my fathers. I attacked his father through his heart from behind, and that is how we became enemies for all these years." Jareth said sadly, I feel sad for him that he saw his father die right in front of him. I know what is like to lose a parent since my mother died mysteriously, and has no answer on how she died.

"Mysteriously..." I froze when Jareth said that, and looked at him as he sat up while saying confused.

"You have no idea how your mother died". I sat up beside him as he looked at me with an eye brow raise

"Yeah, my father said that they could figure out what or who killed her." I replied, Jareth smirked then started to chuckle with his hand over his mouth while looking away. I looked at him angry thinking he was laughing at my mother's death, or he has something to do with it.

"Oh no precious,..." Jareth stopped chuckling, put his hand down then looked at me with his blood red eyes which made me sharply gasp and jumped while being scared. Jareth faced me and replied surprised/pleased

"I wasn't laughing about your mother's death, nor did I had anything to do with her death. I'm just surprised that she didn't tell you before she left."

"T-Tell me what?" I asked stuttered 

 "About the deal she made with my parents when we were infants." Jareth replied as his eyes flashed yellow as he licks his vampire teeth which sent chills down my spine.

"W-What d-deal?" I asked uncomfortable as I slowly moved away; until, with a blink of an eye Jareth appear behind me which made me jump while sharply gasp and turn my head to look at him. Jareth softly move his hand down my arms, then wrap one arm around my waist.

"A deal for our wedding, precious." Jareth whispered softly, my eyes widen when he said that.

"W-Wedding?! W-What do you m-mean?" I stuttered shockley as I tried to move away, but Jareth tighten his grip around my waist which made me gasp, and put my free hand on his arm while he use his other hand to softly grab my wrist and lift my other hand. Jareth lean into my ear and softly whispered

"how else could you own the book to my labyrinth." I gasp as Jareth started kissing my neck while rubbing my wrist and waist

"J-Jareth...p-please don't." I said trying to get out of his grip, Jareth stopped and chuckled which sent chills down my spine. Jareth whispered softly into my ear

"Don't worry precious, we won't go that far to soon. But right now, you need to...wake up." I sharply gasp as my eyes widen while shot up in my bed. The sunlight shine through my window as I looked around my room confused, and looked at my outfit to see myself in pajamas.

'Was that all a dream? It didn't feel like a dream.' I thought to my self while putting my fingers to my lips, then looked at my make-up dresser to see the labyrinth book with a black box and a note on top. I was more confused as I got off the bed, and walk over to it. I pick up the note and read it which said 'Your choice', then I picked up the box to open which made me gasp softly shocked. 

'Jareth, the ring is gorgeous

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'Jareth, the ring is gorgeous. I-I don't know what to say.'

"Sarah!" My father shout kindly as I gasp and look at my door

"Can you come down stairs?!" I close the box and put it in my drawer, then replied

"Coming!" I went down stairs to see my family sitting at the table looking at me as I sat down

"Sarah, tonight is Peter's birthday and welcome back party. Are you excited?" My father asked happily as he took a bite of his food, then look at me for a reply.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be." I replied happily with a fake smile, which I don't think my father notice since he just smiled and nodded.

"Sarah..." I looked at Karen

"Peter's mom called me to remove the outfit Peter gave you yesterday, and said that the outfit was for something 'special' for after the party. She is allowing you to wear anything you like to the party". Karen said nicely, I nodded as a reply. Once the sun started to set, I use the mirror to put the beautiful outfit on me which made me smile as I twirl. I was about to head down stairs; until, I heard my dad and Karen's conversation so I stopped at the top of the stairs out of sight.

"What if she rejects?" Karen asked worried

"She won't, they've been together for four years. Why would she reject?" My dad replied calmly

"Your right, but what would happen if she does?"

"Then our alliance with the werewolves will be destroyed, then we can say goodbye to our future without Sarah. Since she will be Peter's mate for the rest of her life, and we won't care if she gets r*pe or harmed by them since she's their problem at that point." My dad and Karen laughed, but I was heart broken to hear their plan. I quietly went back to my room and closed the door behind me. I took a deep breath and whip away my tears as my hatred grew for them, then I felt a cool breeze on my face and looked at my dresser to see the black box.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2023 ⏰

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