Chapter 1: Look at all these Chickins!

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I remember, being cold, then warm. After a while I just sort-of ignored it, I never really cared too much about weather.

But as I sat in the nurses office in my 4th grade year, I just felt scared. My dress was sullied after being assaulted with dirt. Boys, the most cruel thing is an ignorant boy.

I was playing on the playground when I felt a rock hit the back of my head, it hurt even though it was small. I massaged the place where it struck me as I stood.

As I turned, I flinched as if a poison was flung into my eyes.

When you get dirt in your eyes, it tends to sting, like salt in an open wound. I rubbed my eyes to try and relieve the pain as tears mixed with dirt, and my vision blurred.

"Look at the little girl cry!" One of them retorted, "So weak, even if you try to dress pretty your horns still make you disgusting!" They laughed, they all laughed.

But with my eyes temporarily out of commission, I could sense something else, an aura.

It reeked of power-loving narcissism. One, I felt, was masked by it. Pity.

When I mentally reached for it, I must have physically reached for it as-well. "Look at her! She's helpless, stumbling like a baby deer!" At this, the all cackled, maniacally, tortuously.

When I finally had a-hold of whatever was taunting me, I pulled on it, like a rope. It was firm, stiff, and was almost met with resistance. As soon as it gave way, I could see clearly, but I was not myself.

I tried to scream but my vocal cords felt muffled against my skin. Sitting  in that space for what felt like hours grew to be almost calming to me.

When I finally did wake, Ms. Kageno was worried as I sat up off the dirt. I don't remember what I was originally playing, I just remembered her shocked face when I opened my eyes.

"Kahnai, sweetheart, what happened-? Oh, girlie, your eyes!" She pulled out a walkie talkie and spoke into it, the loud chirping noise making my ears ring, "I need the nurse, outside on the south side of the building."

Ms. Kageno was probably in her late 30's. I remember her having some nice strawberry hair, with caring honey golden eyes. She stroked my hair, telling me it was going to be alright, that I was still pretty anyways. I wouldn't know what she meant until a few hours later as I'm sitting in the nurse's office, my dress covered in dirt, with a mirror in my hand.

One of the boys who attacked me had thrown dirt into my eyes, and with the added use of my newly discovered quirk. My once white sclera had now turned a lemon yellow color, and bandages wrapped around the left side of my face. Another boy had used his quirk on me out of fear.


That's what I am now, I'm feared, everyone is scared of me and of what I did. They showed me video footage of the events that had transpired. I didn't know what I did, until the creature showed up. It was covered in a black blanket, almost made of the shadows itself.

My body sat safe on the ground, on my knees, one of my hands limp at my side. The other however stuck out towards the beast, when it moved, my fingers twitched as if it was completely created by me. A doll, a plaything-

A puppet. And I was the puppeteer.

"W-what happened to them?" I reached towards the digital image of them cowering in fear, however I pulled away, now fully aware of what the movement had been used for. A scream came from the boy as he lashed out with his quirk, it coming to hit my face and my body crumpled  to the ground. And it was gone, the creature just dissipated into the wind.

A small cool hand came to mine, it was chilled, relaxing, then I looked over at the person. She was the epitome of the word, 'Snowflake'. Heterochromia had her eyes two separate colors of winter blue. Her hair looked like freshly powdered snow, it framed her soft freckled face quite neatly.

"Hey, I'm Sage" her voice was small, gentle, like a kitten. "I know this is probably a little scary for you right now, but I want you to know that you're not dangerous, there is nothing to fear."

"I am," I murmured, "I saw what I did, everyone is gonna hate me now, I am to fear-" "NONSENSE!" She interrupted, "I've seen a bunch of quirks, but nothing like that before."

The air around her radiated with excitement, blind curiosity. However her aura was intriguing, she held absolutely no sense of fear at all, in her mind, I was as harmless as a fish. I thought about reaching towards the emotion, but the thought was quickly turned away when she grabbed my hand again.

She talked, rambled, and even ranted on about quirks for quite a while, I was just glad for the company. I sat in silence as she spoke for hours, I just knew that this was as calm as I needed to be.



Hi, sorry, it's a bit short
Updates may take up to a few days, maybe longer.
Lots of love, Hydrate or die straight!


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