Warm Fingers

18 3 2

Penny's POV

Being caught in the sudden chilling gust of wind made Penny shiver in her thin jacket. The coming of winter was revealing itself through the unkind drop in temperature, which was unfavourable at best. Her fingers felt rigid and cold, especially that the heater was malfunctioning today. From time to time she'd blow in her hands to help warm them up, but it hasn't done that much good.

She glanced up to see the source of the face-slapping, frigid air. A customer entered and walked to a table but never closed the door behind him. It should not be opened in weather like this, that should have been obvious to anyone. Unfortunately, not all the customers thought like she did, otherwise she would have a lot less to whinge about to her mum on an almost nightly basis.

She crossed the room to shut it, but not without looking past the glass after it was clicked in place. She found herself in a trance as the wind snatched her attention the same way it plucked up the leaves from off the stony ground. They began to stir. Even from the other side of the glass she could hear the hoots of the ghostly wind.

On the flip side, autumn was beautiful. It was as mysterious as the spinning leaves materialising into a ballerina before her eyes. The whistling sound of the wind was her concerto, and the phantom danced to her heart's content. Free spirited.

She was bewitched by her own invention that she hadn't noticed Liam watching her from his seat. He was taking in this new side of her that he didn't see often, or ever for the matter. Her gaze looked weightless and twinkling without a care. It was somewhat spoiling for him when he eventually broke her pondering.

Hearing her name being called diverted Penny's attention away from the door, and the music inside her head dropped. She knew the voice and headed for Liam's table, filling her mind with thoughts of the present again. She rolled her gaze around the room, thankful her boss was nowhere to be seen. Good thing he didn't catch her idling.

"Yes, Liam?" She searched him for what the problem could be.

He smiled blissfully. "I'd like to order a second cappuccino, please. Make it a regular, extra hot."

Her eyebrows arched. "It's not like you to have another."

"It's not for me." He paused. "It's for a friend actually."

Her eyes darted to the door as if on cue his friend would open it any second. Liam had never had company before. From the short time she had known him, he'd sit alone for two hours and then leave. This would be a first. Just who might this friend be?


It wasn't a girlfriend, was it? The possibility was quite high for someone like him who was pretty likeable and sociable. And it'd be totally normal if that were the case, so she had to remember to retain her composure while he was still watching her. Otherwise, he'd think there was a problem.

She returned her gaze to him with a small smile. "Shall I prepare it now, or should I wait for your friend to arrive?"

"Now will do. Oh, and put it in a takeaway cup."

She nodded, at the same time turning on her heels. She prepared the coffee, but realised she lost her focus when she almost burnt the milk. It's funny, when did she become clumsy over a slight jealousy, if that's what she could call it? But she was jumping to conclusions. The person could very well be a co-worker coming strictly for business reasons. She had a tendency of assuming things she knew little about.

With a tap-tap she sprinkled the chocolate powder over the cappuccino before pressing on the lid. She delivered it to his table, noting that Liam was still sitting alone, his gaze down on his laptop screen.

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